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Контроль гіпотетичного прояву хронічного синдрому втоми: попередні спостереження

Тип роботи: 
К-сть сторінок: 


Serum sodium142 (141-142) 0137-145 mEq/L
Serum calcium8, 9 (8, 8-9, 1) 4 (14, 8) Low8, 6-9, 8 mg/dL
Serum potassium3, 8 (3, 8-3, 9) 03, 6-5, 0 mEq/L
Whole body potassium37, 4 (34, 4-40, 4)
% Whole body potassium103 (97-109) 6 (22, 2) Low
8 (29, 6) High90% -110% 
Non-serum K+33, 5 (30, 5-36, 5)
Serum K+: Non-serum K+8, 7 (8, 0-9, 4)
% whole body potassium =% of the norm (expected normal values, in accordance to subjects' age, sex, weight and height) ; LMW = low molecular weight; HMW= high molecular weight.
Table 5 shows the uni- and multivariate analyses of the differences in immunophenotypes between the CFS and control groups. The CFS patients had increases in the B-cell (CD 19+), the activated T-cell (CD25+) and mature B-cell (CD 19+ CD5+), and decreases in the NK-cell (CD3- CD 16+ CD56+) cell counts and percentages. Discriminant function analysis revealed that the increase in mature B-cell (CD19+ CD5+) and the reduction in NK-cell (CD3- CD16+ CD56+) counts and percentages were the primary differences between the groups.
Immunophenotyping of the CFS Patients and Controls
ParameterCell CountsPercentage Distribution
CD19+71 (7) 38 (6) < 0, 0062, 8 (0, 2) 1, 9 (0, 2) <0, 01
508 (41) 348 (30) < 0, 00819, 5 (1, 2) 15, 5 (1, 1) <0, 03
359 (29) 248 (27) <0, 0414, 6 (0, 9) 11, 1 (1, 1) <0, 02
CD3- CD16+CD56+192 (25) 266 (31) <0, 038, 0 (1, 0) 11, 4 (1, 2) <0, 02
No Change
CD3+CD16+CD56+2029 (119) 1963 (104) NS82, 2 (1, 0) 84, 1 (1, 1) NS
1869 (116) 1737 (101) NS75, 6 (1, 3) 74, 5 (1, 3) NS
124 (10) 109 (14) NS5, 2 (0, 4) 4, 9 (0, 6) NS
1260 (88) 1140 (66) NS50, 3 (1, 3) 49, 1 (1, 8) NS
757 (67) 716 (596) NS31, 8 (1, 4) 31, 2 (2, 2) NS
465 (47) 422 (58) NS18, 4 (1, 4) 17, 8 (1, 9) NS
685 (45) 723 (64) NS28, 1 (1, 4) 30, 5 (1, 7) NS
159 (23) 175 (28) NS6, 5 (0, 8) 7, 2 (1, 0) NS
527 (45) 548 (47) NS21, 6 (1, 4) 23, 3 (1, 4) NS
96 (15) 89 (24) NS4, 3 (0, 8) 3, 6 (0, 8) NS
CD4+: CD8+1, 9 (0, 1) 1, 7 (0, 1) NS
Discriminant Function Analyses
Cell CountsPercentage Distribution
Model: Wilks' λ=0, 59, F (6, 40) =5, 59,
P < 0, 0005
CD19+CD5+< 0. 006
CD3- CD16+CD56+ < 0. 004
C25+ < 0. 093Model: Wilks’ λ=0, 63, F (6, 40) =3, 86, P< 0, 004
CD19+CD5+<0, 01
CD3- CD16+CD56+ < 0, 02
C25+<0, 10
Accuracy of prediction (% correct)
CFS = 88. 9%
Control = 63. 2%
Accuracy = 78. 3% Accuracy of prediction (% correct)
CFS = 77, 8%
Control = 65, 0%
Accuracy = 72, 3% 
For the cell count analysis 89% of the CFS patients were designated to be in the CFS group using this immunophenotype profile. However, 36. 8% of the control subjects were classified as complying with the CFS immunophenotype cell count profile. For the percentage distribution analysis, 78% of the CFS patients were designated to be in the CFS group whilst 35. 0% of the control subjects were classified as complying with the CFS immunophenotype cell percentage distribution profile Thus, CFS patients do have alterations in immune parameters consis tent with a fall in NK-cell (CD3- CD 16+ CD56+) counts and percent ages and an increase in B-cells and activated T-cells. However, these changes do not have a high predictability for CFS.
Association Between Biochemistry
and Immune Cell Changes in the CFS Patients
Table 6 shows the correlation analysis of the association between the RNase-L ratio and the various acute phase markers and electrolytes. Data were not analysed for associations between RNase L ratio and immunophenotyping, as this will be presented separately in a larger sample group. The whole body potassium levels were associated with increases in serum calcium and reductions in the ESR. Increases in the percentage variation of the whole body potassium levels were positively associated with the% CD19+ CD5+ cells. In addition, we calculated the non-serum K+ (= whole body potassium minus serum potassium) and the ratio of serum K+ to the non-serum K+ for
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