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Проблема українського університету у Львові в кінці ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст.: суспільно – політичний аспект

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Питання про заснування українського університету у Львові розглядається як одна з головних проблем українсько-польських відносин у Галичині. Підкреслено, що здобуття національного університету вважалося однією з необхідних передумов для поділу Галичини за етнічним принципом на Східну (українську) та Західну (польську). 
Ключові слова: Галичина, українсько-польські взаємини, український університет, вища освіта, студентський рух. 
Качмар В.М. Проблема украинского университета во Львове в конце ХІХ – в начале ХХ вв. : общественно-политический аспект. – Рукопись. 
Диссертация на соискание научной степени кандидата исторических наук по специальности 07. 00. 01 – история Украины. – Львовский государственный университет имени Ивана Франко. – Львов, 1999. 
В контексте общественно-политической жизни Галиции анализируются предпосылки, причины и ход борьбы украинских политических, общественных и научных сил за национальный университет во Львове в конце ХIХ- начале ХХ в. Исследованы главные этапы студенческого движения, позиция политических партий и парламентских представительств, место университетского вопроса в модернизации национального движения и в системе украинско-польско-австрийских взаимоотношений. 
Вопрос об открытии украинского университета во Львове рассматривается как одна из главных проблем украинско-польских отношений в Галиции. Подчеркнуто, что открытие национального университета считалось одной из необходимых предпосылок для разделения Галиции по этническому принципу на Восточную (украинскую) и Западную (польскую). 
Ключевые слова: Галиция, украинско-польские взаимоотношения, украинский университет, высшее образование, студенческое движение. 
Kachmar V. M. The Problem of Ukraіnian University in L'viv in the Late XIX – Early XX cc. : Socio-Political Aspect. – Manuscript
A thesis for Candidate of History scholarly degree, speciality 07. 00. 01. – History of Ukraine. -Ivan Franko State University in L’viv, Ukraine – L’viv, 1999. 
The research focuses on the penetrating analysis of the history of the struggle led by Ukrainian political, social and scholarly forces for a Ukrainian University in L’viv at the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th cc. The creation of a Ukrainian University in L’viv, alongside with Sejm electoral reform, was one of the key political aspirations of the Ukrainian community in Halychyna, it played an integrating role in the national movement and produced a great impact on the evolution of Ukrainian-Polish and Ukrainian-Austrian relationships. The University issue has been researched in the wide context of Halychyna’s socio-political reality, thus providing exhaustive materials for the analysis of peculiarities of the Ukrainians’ and the Poles’ national movement under the Austro-Hungarian rule. 
 The major directions of historiography of the issue and the source basis of the research have been pointed out. Certain aspects of the Ukrainian community struggle for a Ukrainian University in L’viv were researched in the interwar period by Ukrainian historians in emigration and modern Ukrainian and Polish researchers. However, the dissertation in question is the first Ukranian historiography’s complex research of the Ukrainian University in Austro-Hungarian Empire problem and its role in the development of Ukrainian national movement. The research has been done on an extensive source basis, primarily – upon the documents of L’viv archives, particularly the protocols of University’s Polish administration sessions, Rectors’ reports, students’ and teachers’ memorandums, investigation cases on youth’s uprisings, documents on student organizations’ activity, letters, etc. 
In the research, the historical development of the Ukrainian University issue during the 19th century has been traced, the basic reasons of the transfer to an essentially new stage of struggle for the Ukrainian University in L’viv have been determined and the major periods of contest, led by Ukrainian students and tutors in 1899-1914 for the establishment of the University, covered. 
The creation of the Ukrainian University in L’viv was topical in the national and political thought during the second half of the 19th century. Unfortunately, the Poles seized Halychyna’s autonomy and it was impossible to gain the national University for the Ukrainians. In the late 1890’s the University issue entered a new stage of the organised struggle, becoming the problem for Ukrainian parties. Students and lecturers were the main driving power of the University issue, in particular the Ukrainian students’ society “Akademichna Hromada”, established in 1896. The students organized a range of massive actions, the most essential ones being the 1901 secession, the fight for immatriculation language in 1906-1908 and after all the tragic events of 1910, during which the Ukrainian student Adam Kotsko was killed. These actions instigated the social thought, invigorated the feeling of solidarity. 
The attitude of the Ukrainian political forces towards the problem of national University and their attempts at promoting its solution in the Vienna Parliament alongside with negotiations with the Austrian government have been sufficiently analyzed. At first the Ukrainian political parties, which proclaimed the principles of legal struggle, turned out to be unprepared to give resolute support to the students’ oppositions. All the burden of struggle for the national University after the electoral system reform of 1907 had to be carried out by politicians. The coordination of the students’ and political movement compelled the Austrian government to act as a mediator on the university issue in the Polish-Ukrainian negotiations and therefore promise that the Ukrainian University would be established. 
The research has estimated the role of the University issue in the system of the Polish-Ukrainian controversies and the position of various Polish social and political forces have been estimated, as well as the progress of the Polish-Ukrainian negotiations in 1909-1914. 
The problem of the Ukrainian University in L’viv’s establishment intensified the collapse in the Polish social and political movement. 
Key words: Halychyna, Ukrainian-Polish relations, Ukrainian University, higher education, the students’ movement.
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