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Soccer games help to develop an positive of young players

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Soccer games help to develop an positive of young players
Kingsbough community college
The City of New York
Annotation: Dr. Nicholas Skirka. Soccer games help to develop an positive qualities of young players. This article are discrabed significant feature of informal and formal soccer games. Sports programs have shown pro-social behavior changes in children's development.
Key words: young players, soccer, sports programs, education, coach, parents.
Аннотация: Влияние игры в футбол на развитие позитивных качеств юных игроков. В статье рассматриваются важные особенности позитивного влияния занятий футболом на развитие юных игроков. Приводится сравнение эффективности официальных и неофициальных занятий футболом. Обращается внимание на роль спортивных образовательных программ, их правильное понимание всеми участниками, включая тренеров и родителей, для развития позитивных социальных качеств, как дружба, верность, взаимопонимание, ответственность.
Ключевые слова: юные игроки, футбол, спортивные программы, образование, тренер, родители.
Анотація: Вплив гри в футбол на розвиток позитивних якостей юних гравців. В статті розглядаються важливі особливості позитивного впливу занять футболом на розвиток юних гравців. Наводяться порівняння ефективності офіційних та формальних (неофіційних) занять футболом. Звертається увага на роль спортивних освітніх програм, їх правильне розуміння всіма учасниками, включно з тренерами та батьками, для розвитку позитивних соціальних якостей, як дружба, вірність, взаєморозуміння, відповідальність.
Ключові слова: юні гравці, футбол, спортивні програми, освіта, тренер, батьки.
Coaches, parents and players should understand that structured sports activities, as well as unstructured activities, contribute positively and equally to youth player development. As a result, understanding the valuable benefits of playing informal and formal sports will assist coaches in finding a happy medium between structured and unstructured activities for appropriate youth player development.
Informal sports (pick-up games) can be defined as games organized and controlled by the players themselves (Coakley, 2007). These games are unstructured and do not have official, standard league rules. First and foremost, participants choose to engage in informal sports for personal involvement, inclusion and to have fun. For example, players gel involved in setting up the rales of a pick-up soccer game based on availability of field space and equipment.
Participants decide rale modifications inclusive of next point wins, do-over and how to restart games after violations. Players assume the role of referee by making their own foul calls, usually recognized and accepted by all participants (Hume, 2005). They get to choose teams predicated on skills and friendships. Choosing teams or dealing with undecided disputes can be rectified by a coin flip, odd-finger, choose a pebble in the hand and rock-paper-scissors methods.
The second significant feature of informal spoils is its unique high level of action for the players, which creates excitement and many scoring opportunities for both teams (Coakley, 2007). Informal soccer games have modified rules and are not necessarily restricted to time or goal limits; they can be prolonged if teams are having fun. Ways to extend the games include increasing the total points to win a game from 10 to 15, use next goal wins or play until it gets dark.
The third significant feature of informal sports is that games should be close and exciting (Coakley, 2007). A trouncing by an opponent or runaway scoring is not fun for either team. If the soccer teams are uneven and one dominates, players usually stop the game and switch players to make teams more competitive or use a handicap system such as adding an extra player to a team.
Sometimes, giving a team an extra player on the sideline can balance team strength, making it inclusive, challenging and more fun to play.
The fourth significant feature of informal sports is the opportunity to establish friendships before or after the games (Coakley, 2007). In informal soccer games, winning is not the most important aspect It is the social gathering before or after the game that becomes significant, whether sitting around the field or gym and talking or going to a restaurant to eat and socialize. Informal soccer games help to develop an affinity, loyalty and lasting friendships. Additionally, official statistics are not recorded in regard to the pick-up soccer games or players, except in anecdotal terms, nor do players receive awards. Informal sports are about having fun and enjoying unstructured sports activities.
In summary, informal sports or pick-up games are played without referees or an official game schedule. They depend on the creativity and leadership of the players and how they organize the games. There are no coaches, practice sessions or uniforms and winning is not the most significant aspect. What has significance is that players enjoy the activity, improve their fitness and skills without the pressures of winning, develop friendships and have fun in the process.
Informal sports have man) ' valuable attributes for its participants. Since the structure is informal, players get to use their
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