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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

justify;">P. : That’s because it’s Latin. It means southern. Scholars used to call it Terra Australia Incognita (the unknown southern land). This name was used until the Dutch arrived a couple of hundred years ago. They went to lots of different places mostly along the coast and some of the islands, too.

A. : Why did they settle only there?
P. : Because in other places of the country it seemed too arid. You couldn’t grow anything – or so they thought. Immigration didn’t get going on a large scale till the end of the 18th century.
A. : It was a sort of British Siberia where they deported lots of their convicts, wasn’t it?
P. : Yes, some of those people were a pretty rough lot – like Ned Kelly. Have you heard of him? He was an armed robber, a pretty ruthless character, a real legend in his own lifetime. He gave the aborigines a hard time, to put it mildly! But they weren’t all like him. There were quite a few pretty hard working people among the European settlers. It’s incredible to think of them hacking away all that barren land and turning it into a land of plenty. Before long they were exporting to the old world things like wheat and wool. And then, of course, don’t forget all Australia’s mineral resources. They had everything they needed for industrial development. It was all there, waiting to be dug up.
A. : And now Australia is waiting for us! It’s supposed to be a great place for tourism, isn’t it? I can’t wait to see the desert! – and then all those eucalyptus forests with their wonderful blue leaves! – and kangaroos and those gorgeous koala bears!
P. : Australians love all of that. They’re crazy about wildlife and love picnicking in the bush. I hope we’ll manage to meet some of them and to know them. They take having a good time very seriously. That’s why they fought hard for a shorter working week and won!
A. : They’ve obviously got their priorities right! And they’re great drinkers, too, aren’t they? Was it an Australian who said, “Work is the curse of the drinking classes”?
P. : No, that was Oscar Wilde!
Визначте, чи правильні висловлювання.
1. The name “Australia” means “eastern” in Latin. 2. Australia has rich deposits of mineral resources. 3. Australians don’t take care of nature and hate wildlife. 4. Immigrants have come to Australia on a large scale since the end of the 18th century. 5. There were a lot of hard working people among the settlers.
19.4. Граматика. Модальні дієслова can, may та їхні еквіваленти на позначення можливості, дозволу, здатності
Можливість щось зробити (можу, вмію) 
Ствердні речення
I can play the piano. Я вмію грати на піаніно.
He can answer the question. Він може відповісти на запитання.
He could play chess when he was five. Він вмів грати у шахи, коли йому було п’ять років. 
Could you help me? Не могли б ви мені допомогти? 
Питальні речення
Can you sing? Ви вмієте співати?
Can you help me? Ви можете мені допомогти?
Could you show me the way to the University? Не могли б ви мені показати дорогу до університету? 
Заперечні речення
I cannot swim. Я не вмію плавати.
He cannot understand the rule. Він не може зрозуміти правила.
I could not ski when I was little. Я не вмів кататись на лижах, коли я був малим.
She could not jump so high. Вона не могла стрибнути так високо. 
 ТО BE ABLE ТО (Еквівалент дієслова CAN) 
Не is able to do it. Він взмозі це зробити.
Не was able to do it yesterday. Він міг зробити це вчора.
He will be able to do it tomorrow. Він зможе це зробити завтра.
He has been able to swim since childhood. Він вміє плавати з дитинства. 
Дозвіл (можна) 
You may take my pen. Ви можете взяти мою ручку.
You may not touch it. Не можна торкатися цього.
May I come in? Можна увійти? 
У непрямій мові:
Mother said that I might play. Мати сказала, що я можу пограти. 
Припущення (можливо) 
It may rain soon. Можливо (мабуть), скоро піде дощ.
Take care, you may fall. Обережно, ви можете впасти. 
 ТО BE ALLOWED TO (Еквівалент дієслова MAY) 
We are allowed to stay at home. Нам дозволяють залишитись вдома.
We were allowed to stay at home. Нам дозволили залишитись вдома.
We will be allowed to stay at home. Нам дозволять залишитись вдома. 
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