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Соціально-політичні процеси в селі Кримської АРСР 1920-х років

Тип работы: 
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государственный университет, Запорожье, 1999. 

В диссертации анализируются последствия аграрной политики большевистской партии в крымской деревне, проводившейся на протяжении 1920-х годов. Освещаются меры органов Советской власти по разрешению земельного вопроса и регулированию поземельных отношений в деревне, расслоению крестьянской массы, противопоставлению бедняцко-батрацких элементов зажиточным слоям, ограничению хозяйственных возможностей последних. Рассматриваются национальные моменты в земельной политике властных органов Крымской АССР, их влияние на межнациональные отношения в республике. Характеризуются репрессии органов власти в отношении крестьянства, его политические настроения. 
Ключевые слова: Крымская АССР, социально-политические процессы, нэп, арендные отношения, наемный труд, помещики, кулаки, середняки, бедняки, батраки, “лишенцы”. 
Goryunova Y.A. Social – political processes in village of Crimean Autonomy Soviet Socialist Republic in 1920-th years. – Manuscript. 
Thesis for a Candidate's degree by speciality 07. 00. 01. – History of Ukraine. – Zaporozhye state university, Zaporozhye, 1999. 
The dissertation is devoted to the important problem of the Ukrainian history. It is a complex research of social and political processes that occurred in the Crimean village during the 1920-th years. The author on the basis of huge quantity of an archival material analyses all spectrum of social, economic, national and political problems, were determined of destiny of peasantry in Crimea. 
In research on an example of agrarian sector of Crimea ASSR the realization in life of new economic policy is detailed covered development of the money relations on the village, expansion of opportunities of the rent of ground and hiring of a labor. These measures promoted fast growth of agricultural manufacture. The agrarian policy of the Soviet authority is analysed and the obvious contradictions between proclaimed of Bolsheviks by principles of new economic policy and real communistic by practice of the management of economic, political and social processes in the village are revealed. 
In the dissertation critical estimation of a theoretical and practical heritage of Lenin is given to work on a ground question and the conclusion about inconsistency of communistic policy in an agrarian question is made. The author, as a result of the detailed analysis of Lenin's and Stalin's practice of realization of the peasant program in the country question in its real embodiment with reference to Soviet village of the 1920-th years, makes a conclusion about their identity. 
The research convincingly proves, that Lenin's the agrarian policy per 20 years has appeared inefficient: the interests of peasantry were subordinated to state interests. The most enterprising part of the Crimean peasantry was deprived opportunities to develop the economy which has been knocked down by the high taxes, often section of ground and threat of deprivations of the ground areas. In too time poor layers of the village received state support, were released from the taxes and were not engaged at all in conducting their economy. All this was by the reason of crisis in village economy of the Crimea at the end of the 20-th years, a consequence that has become failure of economic methods of managing and returning to the force system, checked up during Civil war, of management. 
In the dissertation the process of a social stratification of peasantry and, as a consequence it, kindling amplifications of struggle in the village, that undermined the economic foundations and did not promote the at all not further development of an agriculture are detailed considered. The antiscientific system of definition of landowner of economy has become the reason of irreparable consequences: under a category of the rich landowners got the average, and sometimes the poor peasants which have refused to support the Soviet authority. As a result of repeated reconsideration of norms ground plots of the peasants, often resettlements of the peasants, erroneous tax policy of imperious bodies the Crimea peasant did not manage to feel by the owner on the ground. 
In the dissertation the national aspects of the ground policy of imperious bodies USSR and Crimean ASSR and their influence on the international attitudes are analysed. The author judges inconsistency and discrepancy national distributions of ground that resulted in kindling national hostility among the inhabitants of a multinational peninsula. This question is especially sharp has risen in connection with resettlement in Crimea of the Jews from other regions USSR and allotment with their ground areas with the purpose of familiarizing with conducting an agriculture within the framework of the nation-wide program. 
In the research the special attention is given to the analysis of a political condition Crimean village, analysis of political repression of the 1920-th years against the Crimean peasantry. In that time was created the institute of «deprived «, that is persons deprived suffrages, they haven't opportunities really to participate in political life of the country. The measures of social protection of the Soviet state from the persons, not supporting the Soviet authority, as a matter of fact businesses were directed against basic weight of the average peasant, which instead of promised earlier by Bolshevik of freedom has received absence of the political rights. 
By analyzing all complex of processes of a reorganization of Crimean village in spirit of socialist transformations, the author comes to the important conclusion that carried out in the village the politics of the Soviet authority incompatible to economic needs of an individual economy, not only did not correspond to interests of the most economic part of peasantry, but also was directly opposite to them. It has caused the negative relation of the majority of the country population of the Crimea to carry out measures in ground, food, tax and social spheres. 
The basic conclusion of the dissertation is reduced that the Soviet authority has not decided main problems of the peasants and has made serious crimes against peasantry. Bolsheviks nationalized ground, have concentrated all completeness of political authority in the hands, by force forced peasantry to follow them to a prime target – socialism. 
Key words: Crimean ASSR, social-political processes, the New Economic Policy, rent relations, wage labor, landowners, the rich peasants, average peasants, poor peasants, hired agricultural workers, «deprived».
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