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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

travelers, playing cards, looking at the views, reading or just sleeping. In short you can have a lot more fun in train than you would have if you were travelling by car which requires you to be alert all the time.

These are some tips for rail travel.
Be aware that it can be very expensive in some countries to travel by train. Especially high speed trains can be as expensive as – but more convenient than – flying.
If you can, book in advance. In many countries you may benefit from a substantial discount.
Many countries offer passes, allowing several journeys to be made within a region. Inter Rail (for Europeans) and Eurail (for others) are good value for those who qualify and wish to travel extensively through Europe.
Please buy your ticket through the Internet, in a ticket office or a ticket machine before joining the train or otherwise you may have to pay a higher price or a fine.
Boarding and accommodation on board
Find out if the class of the car you are boarding is in the front, middle or rear of the train and stay on the platform accordingly. Ask the staff on the platform. In some countries, stations are divided into zones and diagrams show you what zone your coach number corresponds to.
Many trains have first class accommodation. This can be available in some cases, or very expensive in others. You are paying (typically) for a wider seat and a much emptier compartment. Do not, under any circumstances, travel in first class unless you have a ticket or other permission to do so.
Normally, the doors of a train do not open automatically. So to enter or exit a coach you have to push a button on the door or turn a handle.
Tuck away your luggage as much as you can. Don’t let it block the way or the seats for other passengers.
For overnight journeys, consider investing in a couchette or sleeper compartment, which are often cost-competitive with lodgings for the night. A couchette cabin has 6 berths for sleeping and no other facilities around, while a full-fledged sleeper will have two to four berths and possibly bathing facilities like a sink or a shower.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. When did trains appear? 2. Why travelling by train is sometimes more preferable than by plane or by car? 3. What trains can be more expensive than a plane? 4. Where can you buy a train ticket? 5. In some countries, stations are divided into zones. What do they correspond to? 6. Where do passengers sleep during overnight journeys? 7. How many berths are there in a compartment?
Вправа 1. Висловіть свою думку про подорожі різними видами транспорту, використовуючи такі фрази.
To start with ___; I think (I believe) ___; As far as I know ___; The thing is ___; I doubt that ___; To tell the truth ___; As for me___; The trouble is___; I’m afraid___; I must confess___.
8.2. Читання
The Benefits of a Cruise Holiday
Active Vocabulary:
to be faced – стикатись; prospect – перспектива; quandary – скрутне стано-вище; available – що є в наявності; span – короткий відрізок часу; itinerary – маршрут; cabin – каюта; ashore – на березі; to dock – причалювати; arcade game – гральний автомат; to be likely – скоріш за все; like minded people – однодумці; to encourage – заохочувати; mingling – змішування.
More often than not, when you are faced with a prospect of planning a vacation, you find yourself in a quandary. A lot of options are available to you, whether these are railroad trips, vacations in hilly stations, beaches or trekking or even spending time at your parents’. Here, I am going to tell you what you will gain if you choose a cruise above all these. It offers you a big opportunity to go to a large number of places in a short span of time which you otherwise cannot visit. Often it depends on what the itinerary is and what cruise liner you choose.
The best thing is that a cruise package comes with food and it’s especially good for people who tend to eat “more”. In a cruise, you also need to get settled at one place only, in your cabin. You can go ashore to all places from here, and finally at the end of the day come back and rest here. There is no need to go and try to settle yourself at various hotels.
A lot of cruises also come with packages that plan your onshore activities, places you visit and your guides. Before you dock at a place, it
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