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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

with my friends. Usually we play a chasing game. Snow ball fight when it snows is dead fun.

11: 20 3rd Period
12: 30 4th Period
1: 30 – 2: 10 Lunch
I bring a packed lunch to school but occasionally I have school dinners in the School Canteen. School lunches are priced at £1. 60.
2: 10 5th Period
3: 10 End of School
Sometimes I stay after school for clubs.
The Canteen is open at Lunch Time and Break Time. Most hot food is served only at lunch time. Chips are only available on Mondays and Fridays.
Tablet PC
We don’t use our Tablet PCs in all lessons because some rooms do not have enough power sockets. We use the Tablets to do our work on and to search the Internet. Our Tablet PCs are connected to a Network so we can send our work straight to our teachers, and they can send them back with their comments.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. How old is Eric? 2. What subjects are compulsory for GCSE? 3. What do pupils do in Tutor room before lessons? 4. What is a Swipe Card used for at school? 5. How many lessons a day do British pupils have? 6. Where do the pupils take a Tablet PC? 7. How do they use the computer at school? 8. How do British pupils address their teacher?
21. 2. Письмові завдання
Вправа 1. Знайдіть закінчення речень. 
1. Children’s education in England is normally divided intoaChristmas – 2 weeks, Spring – 2 weeks, Summer – 6 weeks.
2. Most schools in England require childrenbby the local authority or the governing body of a school, or by the school itself for independent schools. 
3. Full-time education is compulsorycGeneral Certificate of Secondary Education exams. 
4. 6 per cent of pupils attenddto wear a school uniform. 
5. All government-run schools, state schools, followefor all children aged between 5 and 16. 
6. The school year runsfthe same National Curriculum. 
7. The dates for school terms and holidays are decidedgleave school, others go onto technical college, whilst others continue at high school for two more years. 
8. The main school holidays are: hin English and mathematics at the ages of 7, 11 and 14. 
9. At the age of 16, students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland takeiprimary education (age 5 – 11) and secondary education (age 11 – 16). 
10. After completing the GCSE, some studentsjwhich determine whether a student is eligible for university.
11. At 18, a student takes A-level exams in three or four subjects, kfrom September to July and is 39 weeks long. 
12. All children in state schools are testedlindependent fee paying schools or homeschooling. 
21.3. Читання
Прочитайте текст і знайдіть підкреслені слова у словнику.
Universities in Great Britain
There are 46 universities in Britain. The oldest and best-known universities are located in Oxford, Cambridge, London, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Bristol, and Birmingham. Oxford & Cambridge Universities date back from the 12th and 13th centuries. They are known all over the world and are the oldest and most prestigious universities in Britain. They are often called collectively Oxbridge, but both of them are completely independent.
Good A-level results in at least 2 subjects are necessary to get a place at a university. However, good exam passes alone are not enough. Universities choose their students after interviews.
After three or four years of study a university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Later he may continue to take Master’s Degree and then a Doctor’s Degree.
There are about 30 Polytechnics in Great Britain. The Polytechnics, like the universities, offer first and higher degrees. Some of them offer full-time and sandwich courses (for working students).
Some school leavers at the age of 16 may go to a further education college where they can follow a course in typing, engineering, town planning, cooking, or hairdressing, full-time or part-time. Further education colleges have strong ties with commerce and industry.
There’s an interesting form of studies which is called the Open University. It has a correspondence system and is particularly designed for adults who missed the opportunity to study earlier or who are interested in some particular subjects. The Open University is free of charge.
Вправа 2. Заповніть пропуски словами з тексту.
1. There are ___ universities in Britain. 2. Oxford University was founded in the ___ century. 3. Oxford & Cambridge Universities are often called collectively ___. 4. To enter a university it is necessary to have good results of ___ exams in at
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