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Іноземна мова (англійська)

Тип роботи: 
Методичні вказівки
К-сть сторінок: 

          I (we)shall not (shan’t)  V

You (he, she, it, they)
 will not (won’t)                                          You (he, she, it, they)will not V
Adverbial Modifiers of Time
tomorrow, next week/month/year, in the morning, on Sunday, soon, in two days , some day, the day after tomorrow, this evening, tonight, in a while, before long, right away.  
Exercise    Express your agreement with the following statements: Use the phrases: Certainly. It is really so. You are right . I agree with you as in the model:
  She will be an  applicant for entry next year.
They will take a preparatory course at the University of Kherson.
The course will last for eight months.
My friends will have lectures and tutorials every day.
We shall get scholarship tomorrow.
My friend will distinguish himself someday.
Exercise     Object to the sentences. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I am afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you. On the contrary as in the model.
I shall come to the University at about 9 o’clock.
Lectures will be in the language laboratory the day after tomorrow. 
My brother will stay in the library till late.
They will do their homework after classes.
We shall read a paper next week.
His commute will be bad  next day.
Exercise Express your surprise and give short affirmative (negative) answers as in the model:
We shall attend a computer center next week.
It will take them a few minutes to get to the University.
She will sit at the window in the language laboratory.
They will go home after classes.
I shall take part in research work in the senior years at the University.
Exercise      Add tag-questions to the following statements and agree or disagree with them as in the model:
a) My brother will enter the University next year.
b) My brother won’t enter the University next year.
a) We shall take part in social activities.
      b) We shan’t take part in social activities.
a) My friends will study hard to become good specialists.
      b) My friends won’t study hard to become good specialists.
a) My group-mates will go hiking on Sunday.
b) My group-mates won’t go hiking on Sunday.
a) His parents will receive a letter from him next week.
b) His parents won’t receive a letter from him next week.
Exercise     React to the questions making a choice as in the model:
1 .Will they write tests or exams the day after tomorrow?
Will you read up or sit for exams next week?
Will she pass an exam or resit for it?
Shall we go to the canteen or to the library after classes?
Will your friend go in for sport or read a book on Saturday?
Exercise Ask your friend all possible questions to the following sentences.
They will attend experimental shops next month.
I’m sure he will be a good specialist in future.
The students will have a good time together at the weekend.
The classes will end at about 4 o’clock p.m.
Ann will be good at languages soon.
We shall look in and see him next week.
The Indefinite Tense (Review)
Exercise    Put these sentences into Past and Future Indefinite adding adverbial modifiers of time as in the model: 
Peter works in the library.
I attend lectures and seminars.
The student goes to the lab to prepare for his practical classes.
Classes begin at 8 o’clock.
I take part in social activities. 
My friend goes in for sport.
She lives far from the University.
We go to the student’s canteen.
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