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Іноземна мова (англійська)

Тип роботи: 
Методичні вказівки
К-сть сторінок: 

the 7th of February.

What day is it today? It is Monday.
What month is it? It is October.
Is it far from there? No, it is not. It is near. It is easy to get there. 
Vocabulary to be learnt 
season- пора рокуto spend( spent) – проводити
to snow - йти (про сніг)to enjoy- насолоджуватися
ground  - земляto swim –плавати
pleasant – приємнийto look – виглядати. You look fine today.
to go in for   - займатися
to look like –         бути схожим
to be like - 
to skate – кататися на ковзанахto change – змінюватися
to ski – кататися на лижахcloud – хмара
sun – сонцеcloudy – хмарно
to shine – світитиdark – темно
warm – теплийinside – в приміщенні
to appear –з’являтися outside -  зовні, надворі
to become – становитисяwindy – вітряно
weather- погодаleaf – лист (leaves)
to rain – йти (про дощ)little by little – мало помалу
sky –небоeverywhere – всюди
in the open air – на відкритому повітріeverybody –всі, кожен
to freeze - морозити
The Impersonal  it
Subject Predicate Adverbial modifier
It is cold today
It is not cold today
Is itcoldtoday
It is easy
is difficult
is impossible
to get there
XI. Practice
Exercise Express your surprise and give short affirmative (negative) answer as in the model. 
It is rainy in November. It is easy to learn French. Is it warm in the room? It is cold in winter. It is warm in winter in the Crimea. It is necessary to speak English every day. It is bad weather today. 
Exercise Object to the sentences. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I’m afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you. 
It is winter now. It is raining now. It is easy to do this. It is 10 below zero. It is dark in the corridor. It is interesting to read this book. 
Exercise Translate into English.
В кімнаті холодно. Тут темно. Тепло. Цікаво читати цю книгу. Зараз йде дощ. Взимку часто йде сніг. Мені важко перекласти цей текст. Необхідно прочитати цю статтю. Неможливо зрозуміти, що він хоче сказати. 
Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs
Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree
bigger (than)
easier the longest
the biggest
the easiest
difficultmore beautiful
more difficultthe most beautiful
the most difficult
good (well)
bad (badly)
much, many
little better
more (than)
less the best
the worst
the most
the least
as … as – такий … як (так  само … як)
not so … as  - не такий …  як ,( не так …як)
the more …. the better  - чим більше … тим краще
Exercise Translate the following sentences:
You are taller than me. We started earlier than you. He was more careful than she. This student is the most attentive in our group. Better late than never. She was not so attractive as her mother. His work is as difficult as mine. The more we learn, the more we know. 
Exercise Fill in as…as, so …as or than
Our house is not … big … yours. The new cinema is much bigger … the old one. This text is easier … that one. The house I live in is … old  … yours. My composition is not … long … hers. Mike is … tall … Peter. 
I. Practice
Exercise Object to the following sentences as in the model. Use the phrases: I don’t agree with you… On the contrary. It’s not quite so. 
In Kislovodsk it is as hot as in Sochi. This boy is as tall as that one. The weather is as cold today as it was yesterday. This lesson is as difficult as that one. Our flat is as large as yours. Books in Ukraine are as expensive as books abroad. I am busy today as you are. This story is as long as that one. 
XII. Reading and Comprehension
Read and translate the text.
The Seasons and the Weather
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter- Every season
Фото Капча