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Іноземна мова (англійська)

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be the greatest social value in Ukraine. These and other regulations are successively developed in the chapters of the Constitution. The best national traditions are embodied in the Constitution, which creates the legal bases of regulation of social relations.

Text E                          Ukrainian Music
The real development of musical education in Ukraine be¬gan in the 19th century with the opening of a music school in Kyiv in 186 In 1883, it became a music high school. Such schools were opened in other towns as Odesa, Poltava, Kharkiv. Conservatories were opened in Kyiv and Odesa in 191 The music and drama school was founded in Kyiv in 1904 by M Lysenko. In a year the M. Lysenko Music Institute was opened in Lviv. They played an important part in the training of national musicians.
The best representatives of the Ukrainian musical culture were well-known artists as the conductor 0. Koshyts, the sing¬ers S. Krushelnytska, M. Sadovska, the composers K Stetsenko and L. Revutsky. The first permanent opera theatre in Ukraine was opened in Odesa in 180 The Kyiv and Kharkiv opera companies were organized later.
The Drama Theatre (1882) greatly influenced the develop¬ment of Ukrainian music. From the beginning of the 19th cen¬tury the Ukrainian theatre was associated with folk song and dance culture. Folk music became an important dramatic com¬ponent in the plays of this period ("Natalka Poltavka", "Nazar Stodolya", etc.) National opera developed under the influence of the Ukrainian music-drama theatre.
The choir activities of M Lysenko, which continued during almost his entire musical career, played an important part in the history of Ukrainian choral culture. He conducted the stu¬dents' choir of Kyiv University.
The most consistent followers of the traditions set by M. Lysenko were the composers Stetsenko, Stepovy and Leontovych.
Many famous Russian composers, such as M. Glinka, P. Tchaikovsky, M. Musorgsky, wrote music on Ukrainian themes.
Text F                           Ukrainian literature
The great body of Ukrainian oral literature attained its ze¬nith in the 16th century with the Cossack epic songs, the "dumy". The first books printed in Ukrainian were translations of the Gospels (16th century). Early books were usually relig¬ious, but a grammar appeared in 1596 and a dictionary in 162 Ukrainian cultural life of the 17th century centered around the Kyivan academy, established in 163 The out¬standing poet and philosopher of the 18th century was Hryhory Skovoroda (1722- 1794). A leading figure in the Ukrain¬ian literary revival of the early 19th century was Ivan Kotlyarevsky (1769-1838), whose travesty of the 'Aeneid" and operetta "Natalka Poltavka" are major works of Ukrainian classical literature. Classicism predominates also in the writ¬ings of the novelist Hrytsko Kvitka-Osnovyanenko (1778-1843) and in the plays of Vasyi Gogol.
Interest in folklore and ethnography is represented in the works of Levko Borovykovsky (1806—-1889) and Ambros Mellynsky (1814—1870), poets of the Kharkiv romantic school.
With the founding in the 1830s of a University in Kyiv, the capital became once again the cultural centre of Ukraine. The leading scholar of the period was the historian Mykola Kostomarov (1817- 1885).
The poet Taras Shevchenko was the great figure of Ukrain¬ian romanticism, which predominates in the dramatic works of Mykhailo Starytsky (1840- 1904), Marko Kropyvnytsky (1840- 1910) and Ivan Tobilevych (1845-1907).
Realism in Ukrainian prose found expression in the works of Borys Hrinchenko (1863- 1910) and Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky (1838- 1918) and in the naturalistic tales of Marko Vovchok (1838-1907).
Modern Ukrainian literature is represented by the outstand¬ing writer Ivan R-anko and the poetess Lesia Ukrainka. Mas¬ters of impressionist prose were Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky (1864-1913) and Vasyi Stefanyk (1871 - 1936).
The novelist Olha Kobylyanska (1868- 1942) and the novelist and political writer Volodymyr Vynnychenko were among the major literary figures of the early 20th century.
Many Ukrainian writers were killed or deported by the Soviet regime during the 1930s, among them the dramatist Mykola Kulish (1892-1934), the humorist Ostap Vyshnya, and the theorist of neoclassicism Mykola Zerov.
One of the leading writers of the proletarian age, Mykola Khvylyovy (1893 - 1933) proposed the reorientation of Ukrain¬ian literature toward the West. Important writers who survived the purges of the 1930s include the master of subjective verse Maksym Rylsky, the necromantic poet Mykola Bazhan, the lyric poet Pavlo Tychyna, the dramatist Oleksandr Komiychuk, and the novelist Oles Honchar.
                    Text G      Science and technology in Ukraine
For a long time science in Ukraine developed as a part of the scientific efforts of the former Soviet Union. However, it had its own Academy of Sciences,
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