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Іноземна мова (англійська)

Тип роботи: 
Методичні вказівки
К-сть сторінок: 

It is more than nine hundred years old, a church built in Gothic style. Westminster Abbey is the crowning and burial place of British monarchs. It has its world famed Poet’s Corner with memorials to Chauser, Shakespeare, Milton, Burns, Dickens, Rudyard Kipling and other leading writes. Only a few however, are actually buried there. 

The Houses of Parliament are near Westminster Abbey. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government. The clock tower near it is Big Ben. And I can’t but also mentioned the Queen Victoria Memorial which stands in front of Buckingham Palace (the residence of the English Queen). A statue to W. Shakespeare in Leister district and a wonderful monument to Lady Godiva. She protected Londoners  from large taxes. 
When you are tired of looking at places of interest you can rest in one of London’s beautiful parks: Hyde Park with Speaker’s Corner, Kensington Gardens with the Statue of Peter Pan (a boy, who never grew older). And yet Regent’s Park with the largest zoo, St.Jame’s Park where you can feed birds and animals.
Big red buses … London policemen … Buckingham Palace… Notting Hill Carnival … W.Cherchil monument – these and some other things you can find in London. 
I’ve been in London for two weeks. There are still many places to see and many things to do. Parting with London will be sad for me as I have come to love this wonderful city and its responsive people. I hope I’ll come to London once again. 
With love your friend Oksana
Exercise Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following:
-to be situated
-Yeoman Warders (Beefeaters)
-to call
-to find out
- to rest
Exercise Give English equivalents to the following:
-рости в розмірах
-провідні письменники
Exercise Agree or disagree with the following:
London stands on the river Thames.
The French soldiers founded London 3000 years ago.
The population of London is 3 million people.
The very centre of London is St. Jame’s Square.
The residence of the Queen of England is situated in Downing Street №
The City is the business centre of London. 
London has the unique Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park.
Only about five million people work in the City.
Yeoman Warders tell the visitors of the Tower and about the Tower’s famous black birds the ravens. 
The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British Government.
1There are only men’s clubs in England.
Exercise Answer the following questions:
Have you ever been to London?
Has London always impressed the newcomers?
London is a cultural centre, isn’t it?
What places of interest are there in London?
What does Trafalgar Square look like?
Where is the National Gallery? What is it famous for?
What do you know about St.Paul’s Cathedral?
Where is the residence of the Queen of UK? What ceremony can one see at Buckingham Palace?
What is the City of London?
What can you tell us about the Tower of London?
1What is Westminster Abbey famous for?
1What parks are there in London?
Exercise Say it in English
Лондон – одне з найкрасивіших місць світу.
Вчора я оглянув деякі визначні місця.
Ви коли-небудь були в Національній Галереї?
Він багато читав і чув про перемоги адмірала Нельсона у війні проти Наполеона.
Тауер бачив багато історичних подій з норманських часів.
У різні часи Тауер був фортецею, королівською резиденцією, в’язницею та навіть королівським зоопарком.
Я ніколи не бачив церемонію зміни варти біля резиденції королеви.
Поруч із Вестмінстерським Аббатством ви можете побачити місце засідання англійського парламенту.
Неможливо не згадати прекрасні лондонські парки. Ви можете відпочити у будь-якому з них.
Вони нещодавно повернулися із столиці Великої Британії.
IV. Practice 
Exercise Speak on the topic “London, the capital of UK”. Use the chart. 
Exercise Make up dialogues using the chart.
Exercise Role-play the following situations:
Situation You are at the student’s club. Share the impressions of your tour of London with the members of  this club.
Situation You have come to London on a 6 day visit. Discuss your plans of
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