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Іноземна мова (англійська)

Тип роботи: 
Методичні вказівки
К-сть сторінок: 

think that Kyiv is an important industrial centre?

1Kyiv educational establishments train highly qualified specialists, don’t they?
1What beautiful monuments and masterpieces of architecture are there in Kyiv?
Exercise Try to find out the way to certain places. Do it as in the Model.
-to Russian Art Museum
-to St.Sophia Cathedral
-to Pechersk Lavra
-to the Golden Gate
-to Kyiv-Mogyla Academy
-to Linguistics University
-to the church of St.Andrew
-to the Arsenal Plant
Expressions: its the shortest way to, cross this way and take the 2nd turning, it’s quite a distance from here; it’s two districts from here; am I on the right way to?; take a bus №…; go down…; it’s 5 minutes walk; get on bus №….; get off at bus stop; it’s round the corner.
Exercise Say it in English
Київ – стародавнє місто.
Це місто відсвяткувало 1500 річницю в 1982 році.
Ярослав Мудрий заснував Софіївський собор в 1037 році.
Хрещатик завжди був головною магістраллю Київа.
Ми можемо побачити багато історичних пам’яток у Києві.
Ми повинні зазначити, що Київ не має багато проблем з транспортом завдяки метро.
Стародавній літописець Нестор написав свій видатний твір “Оповідання давно минулих літ” в маленькій келії Печерського Монастиря. 
Київ – культурний центр України. 
Поділ є найстаріший район столиці України. 
Всі люди можуть отримати велике задоволення від огляду Печерської Лаври та інших історичних пам’яток . 
Exercise Speak on the topic “Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine”. Use the chart.
Exercise Role-play the following situations
Situation An English student has just come to Kyiv on summer holidays. He is eager to know about the city. He asks Ukrainian students about educational institutions, industrial enterprises, historical centres.
Situation You are a representative of the Ukrainian touring company in London. Speak about wonderful opportunities to visit historical places of Kyiv and a nice cultural program. Your Londoners ask you questions about Kyiv. 
Impressions of London
(a letter to my friend Galina)
Dear Galina!
Here I am in London on a fine summer morning. Have you received my post-card? I hope you have as I posted it at the airport as soon as we landed.
I’ve never before lived in a big city, so London is a new world for me, and I’m going to find out more about it. What I have already learnt is that London the capital of UK is the largest city and the greatest port in the country. It is situated on the river Thames. The Romans founded London about 2000 years ago and called it Londinium. Since that time London has continued to grow in size and prosperity. About nine million people live in London in its four main parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. The very centre of London is Trafalgar Square. You can see there Nelson’s Column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on the top. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson for his victories in the war against Napoleon. There is also the National Gallery exhibiting all schools of European paintings from 13th to the 19th century. The most magnificent building in London is St.Paul’s Cathedral built in 1675-1711 by famous architect Sir Christophor Wren. The Queen of UK has her residence at Buckingham Palace. At half past eleven there is the most colourful London ceremony – changing the guard there. 
All the principle streets of London lead to the City. The City is the home of the Bank of England and many other big offices. Between Monday and Friday nearly half a million people come to work in the banks and offices. Only five thousand people live in the City and at weekends it seems empty. Three buildings are the heart of the City: the Mansion House where the Lord Mayor lives, the Royal Exchange, the Bank of England which the Londoners call “the old Lady of Threadneedle Street”.
I have already visited the Tower of London. It is now a museum, but it was a fortress, a royal palace, a state prison and even a Royal Low. 
The Tower is guarded by the Yeomen-Warders, the famous “Beefeaters”, dressed up in traditional medieval clothes. They tell the visitors about the Tower, the famous ravens of the Tower – the symbol of it. 
Westminster Abbey is another famous masterpiece of architecture.
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