you created your account (such as where you live or where you went to school). Facebook takes that information, tries to find other Facebook accounts that have similar information, and adds them to your lists (you can remove anyone from those lists if you like). See Chapter 3 of this mini-book for further information on creating and managing friends lists.
Особливості лексичних засобів англомовних текстів з питань організації і функціонування соціальних мереж
Тип роботи:
Курсова робота
К-сть сторінок:
✦ Use the Graph Search box. At the top of every Facebook page is a blue toolbar containing a text box for searching called the Graph Search box. Start typing a name in the text box, and check the list that appears. The name may not appear in the initial list, so be sure to click the See More Results option to view a longer list of possible matches. You can also search previous companies you worked for, your hometown, alma maters, and so on.
✦ Look at friends of friends. As you build your friends list, you can click over to someone’s timeline and view his or her friends. If you spot someone you know, you can click over to that person’s timeline and send a friend request.
✦ Search for topic pages. Do a search for your high school, college or university, favorite sports team or hobby, and more. If you see someone you know, send that person a friend request or follow the person if he or she has enabled others to follow public updates. (See Book II Chapter 2 for information on the Follow feature.)
✦ Look on the sidebar of a website or blog. Many businesses and blog- gers would love to have you connect with them on Facebook. See if your favorite websites have a Facebook logo that links to their business page.
Sending, receiving, and responding to friend requests. To connect with someone on Facebook, you need to send him a friend request. When you visit his personal timeline, you can click the 1+ Add Friend button to send him a request.
If you don’t see the 1+ Add Friend button or any option to send a friend request, that person may have his privacy set in a way that doesn’t allow people he doesn’t know to send a request. For example, Scott’s personal privacy settings allow everyone to request a connection with him. His wife, however, allows only friends of friends to make requests. If you don’t know her or her friends, you can’t send her a friend request.
If you don’t know someone but would like to follow his public updates, you can click the Follow button on his personal timeline (if he’s enabled it). When you follow someone, you aren’t Facebook friends with that person, but you can see any public updates he shares. Following is a good way to follow leaders in your line of work or someone you’re interested in. For example, Scott isn’t Facebook friends with Mark Zuckerberg (the founder of Facebook), but he follows Mark’s public updates. Likewise, Scott has over 24, 000 people following him on Facebook, but he’s not friends with them all.
When you receive a friend request, Facebook alerts you by highlighting a number next to the friend requests icon, which appears to the right of the search box at the top of the page. If you aren’t sure whether you have pending friend requests, click the friend requests icon to see a list similar to the one in Figure 2-2.
You can see from Figure 2-2 that you have two choices: Confirm or Not Now. When you confirm a friend, Facebook adds that person to your friends list. In Figure 2-3, you can see the Friends button, which indicates that the person was added to the list. (Facebook also asks you whether you know this person away from Facebook; we don’t know what Facebook does with this feedback.)
Figure 2-2: Check your pending friend requests. Figure 2-3: When you confirm a Facebook friend, the person goes into your friends list.
If you click the Friends button, you see the options shown in Figure 2-4. You can add that person to any of your lists, get notifications when that person makes a post, and display or hide the person’s posts in your news feed.
Figure 2-4: You can add your new Facebook friend to any list for easier access.
22 Finding and Customizing Your Account Settings
If you choose to ignore a friend request or click the Not Now button, Facebook wants to know whether you know the person, as shown in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5:
Do you know the person who tried to friend you? Facebook asks if you know the person to help cut down on spam and unwanted requests. If you click Yes,