At the party John didn’t recognize ___. 4. Chimpanzees know when ___ else’s thinking is wrong. 5. ___ who can ride a bicycle can understand how it works. 6. Are there ___ letters for me? 7. If ___ is done to check the problem, one in three adults will be obese by 2020. 8. You look worried. Has ___ happened? 9. Bicycles generate ___ air or noise pollution and do not require huge paved roads. 10. Would you like ___ milk to your coffee? 11. I haven’t got ___ money at the moment. Would you lend me ___? 12. Let’s go ___ for dinner this evening.
Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ
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Вправа 14. Складіть розповідь про своє студентське життя, використо-вуючи активні слова та словосполучення.
Lesson 6. Hobby
6.1. Усна тема. Моє хобі
Знайдіть у словнику підкреслені слова та словосполучення і прочи-тайте текст.
Hobby is a person’s favourite occupation, something that he likes doing in his free time. Is it necessary for a person to have a hobby? I think so. It is very important for us to do what we are really interested in and what we are good at. It lets us show our worth and become aware of the importance and usefulness of our life.
It’s clear that people usually choose hobbies according to their interests. That’s why there’re so many ways of spending leisure time. Many people are fond of collecting things. They collect stamps, postcards, badgers, toys, coins, cassettes and CDs. I’ve a friend collecting toy pigs. She has already got about 150 specimens in her collection.
As far as my interests are concerned, my favourite occupation is drawing. In my early childhood I could be sitting for hours at a stretch filling my albums with fancy flowers, animals, people and houses. I drew on everything (including wallpaper, furniture, sand and asphalt) and with everything (with pencils, felt-pens, water-colors, chalks and slicks on the sand or ground). My room is full of my drawings. There’re cartoon characters, faces of my friends, parents and teachers, scenery sketches in it. I used to dream of becoming a painter, but I see no sense now in combining career and hobby. It simply became my favourite activity in my leisure time and is helping me to relax.
My younger brother, on the opposite, is hoping to make his computer hobby his future profession. Playing computer games he became seriously interested in computers and now he uses a computer in his everyday life. It’s on the PC that he usually writes his school reports, listens to CDs and invents programs and quests of computer games. His choice is sure to be both interesting and useful. But in my opinion, having an interesting profession as well as an interesting hobby makes our life twice more exciting.
Вправа 1. Складіть розповідь про своє хобі, використовуючи активні слова та словосполучення з тексту.
6.2. Читання
Прочитайте текст зі словником:
An Unusual Hobby
Hi, I’m Ron Hawker. I started riding the unicycle when I was 11 years old. My mother gave me a unicycle as a Christmas present. I have never been a good athlete, so it took me a long time to learn how to ride. At first, my mother used to fight me because all the walls of my house were decorated with my fingerprints.
In a month, I could ride around the block (about half a mile) falling about 3 times. It took me several weeks to learn how to freemount. I taught my brother and a couple of my friends unicycling. Since the first day, my father was extremely supportive and always found ways to keep me involved in different unicycling activities.
Training for my first unicycling competition was interesting. My coach David used to wake me up at 5: 00 a. m. every morning, to run 5 miles. At first it was very hard and even I was not sure if the whole thing was worth it... now I know that it definitely was.
A few months later, I went with my father to Nassau County, in Long Island, New York. I never thought I was good enough to compete in an international competition. When the race started, I decided to do what my trainer, David, told me: I had to follow the first rider in order to have him (her) cut the wind. At the end of the race, I discovered that I could go faster than the first rider and I decided to pass her. As I was passing her, I fell from my unicycle but I managed to get back on and still win the race. I was VERY excited. That was my first international race and I won!!!
6.3. Письмові завдання