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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

a doctor? – Yes, she ___. 4. ___ they at home? – No, they ___ not at home, they ___ at work. 5. My brother ___ a worker. He ___ at work. 6. ___ you an engineer? – Yes, I ___. 7. ___ your sister a typist? – No, she ___ not a typist, she ___ a student. 8. ___ your brother at school? – Yes, he ___. 9. ___ your sister at school? – No, she ___ not at school. My sister ___ at home. 10. ___ this your watch? – Yes, it ___. 11. She ___ an actress. 12. This ___ my bag. 13. My uncle ___ an office-worker. He ___ at work.

Вправа 8. Поставте дієслово to be в Past Indefinite Tense.
1. They ___ absent at the institute on Friday. 2. We ___ busy all day yesterday. 3. Yesterday the weather ___ very cold. 4. All the exercises at the last lesson ___ easy. 5. My English teacher ___ not satisfied with my answer. 6. Last month you ___ ill. 7. I ___ very tired when I came home yesterday. 8. Max ___ pleased to receive the first prize. 9. She ___ afraid to go through the woods alone. 10. Peter and Leo ___ at home when I called on them the other day.
Вправа 9. Заповніть речення відповідними формами дієслова to have.
1. My brother ___ dark hair now, but when he was a child he ___ rather fair hair. 2. Let’s go to the party. We ___ a good time there. 3. I want to call him. ___ you ___ his telephone number? 4. I ___ a terrible headache. 5. We couldn’t get the concert tickets yesterday because we ___ (not) enough money.
3.5. Домашнє завдання
Вправа 10. Складіть речення з поданих нижче слів.
1. in, Were, ago, a, London, you, year? 2. abroad, Your, live, parents, don’t they? 3. you, Can, describe, of, your, living, way? 4. the, doesn’t, The, rise, in, sun, west. 5. you, Do, in, country, live, the, in, city, the, or. 6. Where, you, last, did, Sunday, go?
Вправа 11. Поставте дієслова to be, to have в Present, Past або Future Indefinite.
1. My father ___ a teacher. 2. He ___ a pupil twenty years ago. 3. I ___ a doctor when I grow up. 4. My sister ___ not ___ at home tomorrow. 5. She ___ at school tomorrow. 6. ___ you ___ at home tomorrow? 7. ___ your father at work yesterday? 8. My sister ___ ill last week. 9. She ___ not ill now. 10. Yesterday we ___. at the theatre. 11. Where ___ your mother now? – She ___ in the kitchen. 12. Where ___ you yesterday? – I ___ at the cinema. 13. When I come home tomorrow, all my family ___ at home. 14. We ___ a really good time yesterday. 15. ___ you ___ time to go to the stadium with me tomorrow? 16. We usually ___ lunch at the canteen. 17. He ___ three lessons every day.
Вправа 12. Напишіть та вивчіть свою автобіографію (7-10 речень).
Lesson 4. Outstanding Scientists
4. 1. Усна тема. Біографія видатної людини
D. I. Mendeleyev (1834-1907)
Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev is a famous Russian chemist. He is best known for his development of the periodic table of the properties of the chemical elements. This table displays that elements’ properties change periodically when they are arranged according to atomic weight.
Mendeleyev was born in 1834 in Tobolsk, Siberia. He studied chemistry at the University of St. Petersburg, and in 1859 he was sent to study at the University of Heidelberg. Mendeleyev returned to St. Petersburg and became Professor of Chemistry at the Technical Institute in 1863. He became Professor of General Chemistry at the University of St. Petersburg in 1866. Mendeleyev was a well-known teacher, and, because there was no good textbook in chemistry at that time, he wrote the two-volume “Principles of Chemistry” which became a classic textbook in chemistry. In this book Mendeleyev tried to classify the elements according to their chemical properties. In 1869 he published the first version of his periodic table of elements. In 1871 he published an improved version of the periodic table, in which he left gaps for elements that were not known at that time. His table and theories were proved later when three predicted elements: gallium, germanium, and scandium were discovered.
Mendeleyev investigated the chemical theory of solution. He found out that the best proportion of alcohol and water in vodka is 40%. He also investigated the thermal expansion of liquids and the nature of petroleum.
In 1893 he became the director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures in St. Petersburg
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