Тип роботи:
К-сть сторінок:
регулювання, органи виконавчої влади, місцеве самоврядування, суб’єкти господарювання, розмежування повноважень, партнерство.
Козловский Е.В. Государственное регулирование в туристической отрасли: становление и развитие в Украине. – Рукопись.
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук государственного управления по специальности 25.00.02 – механизмы государственного управления. – Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины. – Киев, 2008.
В диссертации осуществлено научно-теоретическое обоснование актуальных политико-управленческих проблем становления и развития государственного регулирования в туристической отрасли. Сформулированы практические рекомендации относительно усовершенствования правового регулирования туристической деятельности, исследованы особенности подготовки специалистов для сферы туризма, определены проблемы государственного регулирования развития социального и сельского зеленого туризма. Предложены механизмы создания положительного образа Украины как туристического государства, новые формы продвижения национального туристического продукта на внутреннем и международном ринке туристических услуг, методика повышения эффективности управления инвестиционными проектами в туристических центрах Украины, пути возможного сотрудничества органов местного самоуправления и субъектов хозяйствования, которые предоставляют туристические услуги.
Ключевые слова: туризм, развитие, механизмы государственного управления, государственное регулирование, инструменты государственного регулирования, органы исполнительной власти, местное самоуправление, субъекты хозяйствования, разграничение полномочий, партнерство.
Kozlovsky E.V. Government regulation in tourism branch: formation and development in Ukraine. – Manuscript.
Dissertation for degree of candidate of science in Public Administration in the speciality 25.00.02 – The Public Administration Mechanisms. – The National Academy of Public Administration The President of Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2008.
In dissertation the scientific-theoretical substantiation of actual political- administrative problems of formation and development of government regulation in tourism industry has been accomplished. On the basis of generalization of theoretical positions of works the domestic and foreign scientists in the dissertation it has been formulated and made more accurate the conceptual register which is used in international tourism. The analysis of references and practical experience has proved the necessity of consideration of tourism as public and complex system in which all attributes of industry of a national economy are inherent.
The achievement of the strategic purposes for Ukraine, in particular, the integration in EU, is probable under condition of putting in order the national tourism legislation conformity according to world and European standards. At present time, at the international level it occurs the trying to find the sense of important role of tourism in educational, cultural, social, economic and political scopes of human activity as important condition of acquaintance the citizens of the different countries to achievements of civilization, global treasures of spiritual and material culture. Therefore, in dissertation the conceptual theoretical-methodological methods of formation the contents of tourist education have been stated, the problems of personnel balancing in tourism sphere have been illustrated.
One of the ways to make stable the development of tourist industry that is directed on protection of Ukrainian environments and cultural-historical heritage, on assistance of interethnic tolerance and attraction of people to active participation in the decision of own financial problems, assistance to employment of the unemployed is the development of rural green tourism. Therefore, in this work some problems of development of rural green tourism have been explored, an attempt to investigate the system of conceptual representations about this sector of the tourism industry has been put into practice, the principles and methods of management and the opportunity for efficient facility of functioning the different rural householders have been carried out.
In dissertation the mechanisms of making the positive international image of Ukraine as tourism destination, the methods for increasing of management efficiency of the investing projects in the tourist centers of Ukraine, the ways of probable cooperation between the local government institutions and the managing subjects that provide tourist services have been offered. Proceeding from national interests, the international tourism policy of Ukraine should be realized on principles of economic feasibility and mutually advantageous cooperation with the concrete country or region as well as taken into account the features of the well-defined tourism markets.
The consequences of the transformation periods in the transitive economy countries have shown, that any state can get out of an economic crisis, provide successful promotion of market transformations and entry in the international integration process without inflow and an effective use of foreign investments. Therefore, in this work the author has defined the role and place of the government, municipal and private investments during the stimulation of tourism, as well as the methods of government regulation of the investment market. During transformation periods it is important, on the one hand, to organize the general political, legal and institutional conditions that are favorable for domestic and foreign investing in tourism, and, from other hand, to use in the best way the foreign experience in creation of local organizational formations with a favorable investment climate.
The newest history of the world tourism development shows an extensive spectrum of successful examples of the elaboration and realization an effective regional policy rather brightly. Taking into consideration this fact, the governmental structures become more decentralized; the responsibility for tourism development is on the local authority’s duties. All this causes need the scientific basis for place and role of tourism in the system of social and economic priorities of the regional and local development, the innovative activity in methodology of an evaluation of efficiency of tourism development potential, the theoretical bases for formation of a regional tourism policy and mechanisms of its practical realization. Taking into account the significant prospects of the local initiative maturity, in dissertation the system representation of the local authority’s primary goals while supporting the stable tourism development by effective cooperation with representatives of different groups of local community has been carried out.
Key words: tourism, tourism policy, public administration mechanisms, government regulation, instruments of government regulation, local executive management, local authorities, subjects of managing, delimitation of powers, partnership.
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