Тип роботи:
К-сть сторінок:
LRNase L
ActivityPKR ActivityActivityRatiomonocyteN0 (ymohocyte
Variablef (Pt) r (p) R (IP) r (P) r (P) M (P)
HRpeak (bpm) -0, 46
(0, 07) -0, 38 (0, 14) -0, 43 (0, 10) -0, 25
(0, 35) 0, 11 (0, 68) 0, 20 (0, 47)
% target heart rate achieved-0, 58
(0, 02) -0, 50 (0, 05) -0, 51 (0, 04) -0, 36
(0, 17) 0, 04 (0, 87) 0, 14
(0, 61)
Workload per body weight (W-kg-1) -0, 38
(0, 15) -0, 41 (0, 11) -0, 39 (0, 14) -0, 31
(0, 24) 0, 16
(0, 57) 0, 27 (0, 31)
Workload at RER = 1. 0 (W) V02PEAK (mL-kg-1-min-1) -0, 59
(0, 02) -0, 63 (0, 009) -0, 57 (0, 02) -0, 50
(0, 05) 0, 26 (0, 34) 0, 32 (0, 22)
-0, 44
(0, 08) -0, 46 (0, 07) -0, 48 (0, 06) -0, 37
(0, 15) 0, 04 (0, 88) 0, 17
(0, 53)
V02 at RER = 1. 0 (mL-kg-1-min-1) -0, 73
(0, 001) -0, 70 (0, 002) -0, 70 (0, 003) -0, 66 (0, 006) 0, 26 (0, 34) 0, 32 (0, 22)
RERrest-0, 67
(0, 004) -0, 69 (0, 003) -0, 65 (0, 007) -0, 70 (0, 002) 0, 03 (0, 93) 0, 18
(0, 51)
RERpEAK0, 051
(0, 87) 0, 021 (0, 95) -0, 1118 (0, 69) 0, 271
(0, 31) -0, 001 (0, 99) -0, 071 (0, 81)
Lactate concentration at rest (mmol-L-1) -0, 16
(0, 56) -0, 04 (0, 88) -0, 09 (0, 75) -0, 07
(0, 81) -0, 20 (0, 45) -0, 28 (0, 30)
Peak lactate concent-ration (mmol-L-1) -0, 41
(0, 11) -0, 37 (0, 16) -0, 46 (0, 08) -0, 33
(0, 21) -0, 16
(0, 56) -0, 09 (0, 73)
Age-0, 51
(0, 04) -0, 49 (0, 06) -0, 42 (0, 11) -0, 46
(0, 07) -0, 17
(0, 54) -0, 12
(0, 65)
* Pearson correlation coefficient; f level of significance was set at 0. 01 to help protect against potential type I errors; 1 nonparametric Spearman's rho because RERPEAK was not normally distributed (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test).
Forward stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed 1) that elastase activity was the only factor related to the reduction in oxygen uptake at a RER of 1. 0 (regression model: R2 = 0. 53, F (1, 14) = 15. 5, P < 0. 002; elastase activity P < 0. 002) ; 2) that the PKR activity was the principle factor related to the reduction in workload at RER = 1. 0 (regression model: R2 = 0. 77, F (6, 9) = 5. 2, P < 0. 01; PKR activity P < 0. 009; monocyte NO P < 0. 13; % monocytes P < 0. 17; RNase L-ratio P < 0. 23; elastase activity P < 0. 051; RNase L activity P < 0. 32) ; 3) that the elastase activity was the principle factor related to the reduction in% of target heart rate achieved (regression model: R2 = 0. 89, F (7, 8) = 9. 5, P < 0. 002; elastase activity P < 0. 02; RNase L-ratio P < 0. 02; PKR activity P < 0. 02) ; and 4) that the level of elastase was the only factor inversely related to the increase in age (regression model: R2 = 0. 52, F (1, 14) = 5. 3, P < 0. 03; elastase activity P < 0. 04).
These data add to the body of literature showing impairments of intracellular immunity in patients with CFS. The results provide evidence for an association between intracellular immune deregulation and exercise performance in
patients with CFS. Elastase activity and PKR activity were identified as determinants of the reduction in oxygen uptake at RER = 1. 0, the reduction in workload at RER = 1. 0, and the reduction in percent of target heart rate achieved. RNase L activity and proteolysis correlated strongly with both the resting RER and the oxygen uptake at RER = 1. 0, whereas resting NO levels were not related to any of the exercise performance variables.
The results are in accordance with an earlier report, providing preliminary evidence of an association between RNase L proteolysis (as assessed using the RNase L-ratio) and exercise performance in CFS patients (25). Still, the present study is the first to study numerous intracellular immune variables together with exercise performance in CFS patients. The role of elastase might be related to impairments of lung diffusion and impairments of oxygen