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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

style="text-align: justify;">1. The machine tool measures its production itself.

2. The machine tool will measure its production itself.
3. The part is measured with great accuracy.
a) виміряли; b) виміряє; c) виміряється; d) буде виміряти.
4. The builders are planning to build the road.
5. The building of the road is being planned.
6. The building of the road was being planned.
a) планується; b) планують; c) спланували; d) планували.
7. The tests have been carried out well.
8. The tests were being carried out well.
9. The tests are being carried out well.
а) виконуються; b) виконувались; c) виконані; d) будуть виконані.
Вправа 11. Складіть розповідь про свій факультет з використанням активних слів та виразів.
Lesson 17. My Major
17. 1. Розмовна тема. Моя спеціалізація
Вправа 1. Прочитайте розмовні формули для розповіді про будь-яку спеціальність та складіть розповідь про власну спеціальність.
I am a first year student of NTU “KhPI”.
I study at ___ Department.
I major in ___.
Besides my speciality at our department there are such specialities as ___.
In ___ I will gain a Bachelor’s Degree.
After graduating from the University I am going to be an engineer (technologist, designer, etc.) and work in (at) ___.
17.2. Письмове завдання
Вправа 2. Прочитайте та заповніть пропуски.
A Six-Step Process to Finding a College Major
One of the greatest stressors for college-bound high-school students – as well as for some college students – is choosing a college major. Deciding your major (and minor) is a life decision, and the one that can have an impact on your plans beyond. This will help guide your thinking as you take steps toward choosing a college major that is best for you.
Step 1: Self-Assessment of Interests. Write down a list of activities, course subjects, and topics that interest you, inspire you. What are your likes and dislikes – about school, hobbies, work, and volunteering? If you have taken an assessment test at school (or online), you can enter some of the results here as well.
Things that Interest, Inspire Me: ___________________
Step 2: Examination of Skills and Abilities. One of the most important elements in choosing a major (and a future career) is a realistic review of your strengths and weaknesses, skills and abilities. It’s important to take an honest view of the subjects / skills you are best at, as well as those you struggle with. Write down your best and worst skills and abilities.
Skills That I Want to Use and Excel at: ___________________
Skills That I Don’t Want to Use or am Weak in: ______________________
Step 3: Understanding What You Value About Work. Different jobs and careers provide a range of intrinsic rewards to people working in them. For example, teachers place a much greater value on educating and impacting the lives of their students than they do on financial rewards. What are you seeking from your career? Some examples include helping society, working under pressure, group affiliation, stability, security, social status, financial rewards. Write down a list of what you seek from your future career.
The Values I Want From My Job / Career: _______________________
Step 4: Researching Occupations and Careers. Many students have an idea of the types of work they may want to do, but rarely do they have a full understanding of the requirements of the work – or even what the work fully entails. Others have never really thought about careers and have little or no knowledge of what they want to do after college. This step involves conducting research and recording the information you found about one or more potential career fields.
Potential Career Fields for Me: _________________________
Step 5: Information Review & Reality Check. Now that you have a better understanding of yourself and one or more potential career paths, it’s time to conduct an honest appraisal of whether your skills, interests, and values are a good match with the careers that most excite you. For example, you may love the idea of becoming a doctor, but do not have the math or science skills necessary for medical school. Your task in these situations is to conduct further research to see if other career paths in the same field will be a good match for you. (Go back to Step 4 if you need to conduct more research.) Write down the list of careers and jobs that best fit you, starting with the career that best seems to fit your interests and skills.
Careers / Jobs That Best Fit Me: __________________
Step 6: Matching College Majors to Career Paths. For many jobs, the
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