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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

one of the least understood.

Neutrinos are similar to the more familiar electron, with one crucial difference: neutrinos do not carry electric charge. Because neutrinos are electrically neutral, they are not affected by the electromagnetic forces which act on electrons. Neutrinos are affected only by a “weak” sub-atomic force of much shorter range than electromagnetism, and are therefore able to pass through great distances in matter without being affected by it. If neutrinos have mass, they also interact gravitationally with other massive particles, but gravity is by far the weakest of the four known forces.
Three types of neutrinos are known; there is strong evidence that no additional neutrinos exist, unless their properties are unexpectedly very different from the known types. Each type of neutrino is related to a charged particle (which gives the corresponding neutrino its name). Hence, the “electron neutrino” is associated with the electron, and two other neutrinos are associated with heavier versions of the electron called the muon and the tau (elementary particles are frequently labelled with Greek letters, to confuse the layman).
Виберіть правильний варіант.
1. The existence of a neutrino was predicted by physicist ___.
a) Enrico Fermi b) Niels Bohr c) Wolfgang Pauli
2. Neutrinos are ___.
a) electrically neutral b) positively charged c) negatively charged
3. There are ___ types of neutrinos.
a) seven b) two c) three
4. It is considered that a neutrino has a very small ___.
a) mass b) energy c) size
- How many programmers does it take to change a light-bulb?
- None. It’s a hardware problem.
15.5. Граматика. Пасивний стан дієслова груп Continuous, Perfect.
Continuous Passive Voice.
Стверджувальна форма
Запам’ятайте! В Passive Voice не використовується форма Continuous у майбутньому часі. Замість Future Continuous вживається Future Indefinite
I am being asked. I was being asked. 
The letter is being written. The letter was being written. 
The letters are being written. The letters were being written. 
Питальна форма (Загальні запитання)
Запам’ятайте! У питальній формі змінюється порядок слів: перед під-метом ставиться перше допоміжне дієслово. 
Am I being asked? Was I being asked? 
Is the letter being written? Was the letter being written? 
Are the letters being written? Were the letters being written? 
Заперечна форма
Запам’ятайте! Заперечна частка not ставиться після першого допоміж-ного дієслова. 
I am not being asked. I was not being asked. 
The letter is not being written. The letter was not being written. 
The letters are not being written. The letters were not being written. 
Perfect Passive Voice
Стверджувальна форма
I have been asked. I had been asked. I shall have been asked. 
The letter has been written. The letter had been written. The letter will have been written. 
Letters have been written. Letters had been written. Letters will have been written. 
Питальна форма (Загальні запитання) 
Have I been asked? Had I been asked? Shall I have been asked? 
Has the letter been written? Had the letter been written? Will the letter have been written? 
Have letters been written? Had letters been written? Will letters have been written? 
Заперечна форма
I have not been asked. I had not been asked. I shall not have been asked. 
The letter has not been written. The letter had not been written. The letter will not been written. 
Letters have not been written. Letters had not been written. Letters will not have been written. 
Запитання для самоперевірки.
1. Як утворюється запитання, коли є декілька допоміжних дієслів? 2. Коли вживається Continuous Passive Voice? 3. Коли вживається Perfect Passive Voice?
Вправа 6. Перекладіть речення. Визначте час та стан присудка у кожному реченні.
1. The Nobel Prize has been awarded to British scientists for this outstanding discovery. 2. Lasers have been used by communication and building workers, drillers etc. They have been made to help doctors and scientists in their research. 3. Experts believe that by the end of the decade lasers will have been used in many fields of technology. 4. When modern computers had been designed they found wide application in industry. 5. Polypropylene resins are being used in films, tubes and hundreds of other industrial articles. 6. Polymers are machined much better and easier than wood, stone or metal, therefore so much attention is being paid to these man-made materials at present. 7. The construction of the road was being completed when the commission arrived. 8. When I come home the family will be watching TV.
Вправа 7. Перетворіть речення із активного стану у пасивний.
1. We
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