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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

___? – Not so bad, ___.

15.2. Письмове завдання
Вправа 3. Поставте запитання до стверджувальних речень за темою «Наш університет».
1. The history of National Technical University “KhPI” goes back to the year of 1885. 2. A lot of outstanding scientists worked in the KhIT. 3. By the beginning of the 20th century the students’ body of the KhIT had already numbered 1, 000 students. 4. The KhIT was the first technical higher educational institution in the south of Russian Empire. 5. Professor M. F. Semko was appointed the Rector of the Polytechnic Institute. 6. The Institute had close contacts with such great world known scientists as D. I. Mendeleyev and N. A. Zhukovsky.
Вправа 4. Заповніть пропуски у тексті (лист до друга з розповіддю про навчання в НТУ „ХПІ”).
September, ___, 20___
My dear friend ___,
I want to tell you a few words about my university.
I am a first-year student of ___ University. My University is in ___ street / highway next to the ___ Metro station / bus / tram stop. My University is / is not large. There are few / quite a few lecture halls, rooms for studies and laboratories there. Its research laboratories are / are not provided with the most up-to-date equipment. The scientists of our University carry out research in various fields such as ___. There are very many / some / no well-known scientists working at our University.
My major is ___. As a first-year student I am not doing any research yet but I am planning to take part in the research activities of our department next year /in a year / in the third year. I am going to graduate from the University in ___.
Now I live in a hostel quite near to / rather far away from the University. I share the room with first year / graduate students. They are quite / not really friendly. Along with studying I am also interested in ___. We have all the opportunities to train any kind of sports at our sports grounds and special facilities.
I would like to know about your student’s life and your educational establishment.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Your friend ___.
15.3. Розмовні формули. Approval
Прочитайте зразки розмовних формул і складіть коротенькі діалоги.
We may agree or disagree when somebody states something. E. g. :
This is an interesting book. The weather is bad today.
Table 15. 1 – Agreement (Згода) 
1. Yes, of courseТак, звичайно
2. You are (quite, absolutely) rightВи абсолютно праві
3. It goes without sayingБезперечно
4. It’s (absolutely) trueАбсолютно правильно
5. I agree with youЯ з вами згоден
6. I think soДумаю, що так
7. I believe soНадіюся, що так
8. ExactlyЗвичайно, саме так
9. Just so! Цілком правильно
10. Quite so! Цілком правильно
Table 15. 2 – Disagreement (Незгода) 
1. Certainly notЗвичайно, ні
2. I can’t agree with youЯ не можу з Вами погодитись
3. I don’t think soЯ так не думаю
4. Not exactlyЦе не зовсім так
5. I think you are not rightЯ думаю, ви неправі
6. It may not be trueМожливо, це не так
7. It’s not absolutely trueЦе не зовсім так
8. Nothing of the kindНічого подібного
9. NonsenseМаєчня, дурня
10. Stuff and nonsense! Маєчня, дурня
11. Rats! Маєчня, дурня
Our emotional reaction to some statement may be also as follows:
We age going to London in two days. There will be no English lesson next week.
Table 5.3 – Emotional replies (Емоційні відповіді) 
GoodДобреI don’t like the ideaМені це не подобається
NiceЧудовоI hate the ideaМені це дуже не подобається
I like the ideaМені подобається ідеяIt’s awful! Жахливо! 
Excellent! ВідмінноIt’s terrible! Жахливо! 
Marvelous! ПречудовоCan it be true? Невже це правда? 
Superb! НеперевершеноIt’s a pity! Як жаль! 
Fantastic! ФантастикаIt’s too bad! Погано! 
Incredible! Неймовірно 
Unbelievable! Неймовірно 
I can’t believe it! Не можу повіритиI can’t believe it! Не можу повірити
Вправа 5. Складіть короткі діалоги, використовуючи вирази згоди – незгоди та емоційного ставлення до тверджень.
15.4. Читання
Прочитайте текст зі словником.
What’s a Neutrino?
A neutrino, an elementary particle whose existence was first suggested by physicist Wolfgang Pauli in 1930, is electrically neutral and can pass through ordinary substances intact, rarely interacting with other particles. Neutrinos are believed to have a very small mass or possibly no mass whatsoever.
Neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles which make up the universe. They are also
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