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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

drops in tomorrow. 8. My daughter has been learning French for 5 years. 9. The scientist was making a very interesting experiment when we entered the lab. 10. She is talking to a friend of mine at the moment. 11. Researchers of this laboratory have developed new equipment for TV communication via outer space. 12. The scientist had completed his research by the beginning of the conference. 13. They will have finished their translation of the texts before you return. 14. He had been writing a letter for an hour when I came. 15. My father has just returned from a business trip.

Вправа 4. Визначте часову групу. Запишіть речення у Past та Future.
1. The job gives her satisfaction. 2. Students are making an experiment in the laboratory. 3. We have already finished our experiments. 4. He has been working at this problem for two years.
13.5. Домашнє завдання
Вправа 5. Визначте часові форми дієслова в реченнях. Перекладіть речення.
1. They have already applied new methods in their research. 2. Our country has developed into a powerful state and has made great progress in all fields of industry, technology and science. 3. By the end of the 19th century scientists had made the first attempts to obtain synthetic materials. 4. The workers will have built this new house by the beginning of the next year. 5. Our shop is producing some new chemical apparatus. 6. The water in the tube is boiling. 7. The laboratory assistant was writing down all the data during our experiment. 8. They were mounting them from 5 to 7 o’clock. 9. They will be increasing it little by little.
Вправа 6. Перекладіть речення. Зверніть увагу на вживання різних часових форм.
- Чим ти займаєшся? – Перекладаю текст.
- Ти часто перекладаєш тексти? – Так.
- Як часто ти робиш переклади? – Я звичайно перекладаю один текст на день.
- Як давно ти робиш переклади з іноземної мови? – Я перекладаю тексти з того часу, як почав учити англійську.
- Ти сьогодні переклав які-небудь тексти? – Так, я сьогодні переклав один текст і завтра збираюсь перекласти ще один.
- Коли ти завтра будеш робити переклад? – Завтра я буду перекладати текст з другої до третьої години.
Вправа 7. Складіть листа з розповіддю про свою країну, використову-ючи активні слова та вирази (7-10 речень).
Lesson 14. Education in Ukraine
14.1. Розмовна тема. Освіта в Україні
Active Vocabulary:
Pre-school education; compulsory education; fee-paying education; obligatory subjects; slant; optional courses; gymnasium; lyceum; extra-curricular activities; vocational training school; postgraduate education; applicant.
Present day independent Ukraine has a well-developed system of education which matches the standards of the developed countries. Pre-school education is not compulsory and is fee-paying. Most parents take their children to nursery schools or kindergartens at the age of 3. Up to the age of 5 children mostly eat, sleep and play there, but in senior groups they are taught the basics of arithmetic, reading, writing, and arts and foreign languages in some schools.
Compulsory secondary education begins at the age of 6-7 and is free in state schools and fee-paying in private ones. Some schools, especially those with language slant, have preparatory classes. Secondary education includes three stages: primary (1st – 3rd grades), basic (4th – 9th grades) and senior (10th – 11th grades). In regular secondary schools children start learning foreign languages from the 5th grade and have fewer lessons of language a week than schools with profound learning of languages that start teaching languages from the 1st grade. Recently new types of schools have appeared: gymnasiums and lyceums. In addition, there are schools with technical, computer, mathematical, law, pedagogical and art slant. All the subjects in the secondary schools are obligatory but there are optional courses that students of senior grades can take in addition to the required ones.
Extra-curricular activities usually include a variety of sports and drama clubs, interest groups and various school parties.
Those senior students, who want to get qualification alongside the secondary education, can go to vocational training school. Post-secondary education is provided by technical schools and colleges of 1st and 2nd Level of Accreditation that train young specialists in different trades.
Institutions of higher education (higher educational establishments) include universities, academies, institutes and conservatories. They all hold entrance examinations to select the best applicants to be their students. There are Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Kyiv Polytechnic University, Inter-national Independent University, Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv State Polytechnic University and many others among the best known higher educational establishments.
Postgraduate education begins after the last year of studies and usually results in theses on the chosen scientific theme and the degree of the Candidate of Sciences. Doctorate
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