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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

offered by the Prime Minister and the President. The heads of all central agencies and regional and district administrations are appointed by the President.

Ukraine is subdivided into twenty-four oblasts (provinces) and one autonomous republic, the Crimea. Additionally, two cities, Kiev and Sebastopol, have a special legal status.
Ukraine has its own original culture and art. Ukraine has many professional theatres and Philharmonic societies. The National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, the Gryhory Veryovka Ukrainian People’s Choir, the Dance Company of Ukraine are known not only in the country but all over the world.
Over the last years people of Ukraine display a keen interest in the Ukrainian history and artistic heritage. There is a new approach to the development of culture, arts and languages.
Запам’ятайте зразки виразів для розповіді про країну.
U. is situated in ___; U. ___ is washed by ___; U. ___ borders on ___; the total area of U. is ___; the population of U. is ___; the capital of U. is ___; the main rivers are ___; the climate is mostly ___; U. is rich in ___; the main industrial centres are ___; U. produces ___; as an agricultural country U. grows ___; as for political system U. is a ___; the head of the state is ___; U. is subdivided into ___; U. is also famous for its ___.
Вправа 1. Доповніть речення словами: rivers; proclaimed in 1991; state power; various mineral resources; about 47 million; agriculture.
1. Ukraine has its own territory, higher and local bodies of ___. 2. The geographical position of Ukraine is favourable for ___. 3. The population of Ukraine is about ___. 4. The declaration of Ukrainian independence was ___. 5. The Dnieper, the Bug, the Danube are the major ___. 6. Ukraine is rich in ___.
13.2. Письмове завдання
Вправа 2. Заповніть таблицю відомостями про Україну 
Total area
Border countries
Main rivers
Natural resources
Main industries
Main industrial centres
Agricultural products
Political system
The Declaration of Independence (Date)
Head of the state
Main legislative body
Administrative divisions
13.3. Читання
Прочитайте текст зі словником.
Five Subatomic Particles in a Nutshell
Ancient Greeks philosopher Leucippus and his pupil Democritus first spoke out the idea that all substances consisted of invisible “atomos, ” or atoms, as we know them today. They believed these atomos could be divided into smaller and smaller particles until they reached a point that they could no longer be divided. Although they couldn’t see the particles, Leucippus and Democritus tapped into a fundamental truth about our existence: The universe is made up of atoms and these atoms are responsible for life on Earth.
After considerable research and experiments, we now know that atoms can be divided into subatomic particles – protons, neutrons and electrons. Held together by electromagnetic force, these are the building blocks of all matters. Advances in technology, namely particle accelerators, also known as atom smashers, have enabled scientists to break subatomic particles down to even smaller pieces, some in existence for mere seconds. Subatomic particles have two classifications – elementary and composite. Luckily for us, the names of categories can go a long way in helping us understand their structure. Elementary subatomic particles, like quarks, cannot be divided into simpler particles. Composite subatomic particles, like hadrons, can. All subatomic particles share a fundamental property: They have “intrinsic angular momentum”, or spin. It means they rotate in one direction, just like a planet. Oddly enough, this fundamental property is present even when the particle isn’t moving. It’s this spin that makes all the difference.
Виберіть правильний варіант.
1. Leucippus and Democritus who first suggested the idea of atoms were ___ philosophers.
a) Greek b) Roman c) German
2. The atom consists of three main subatomic particles: ___.
a) neutron, electron, quark b) hadron, neutrino, boson c) proton, neutron, electron
3. The fundamental property of all subatomic particles is the presence of ___.
a) spin b) speed c) spark
13.4. Граматика. Повторення часових форм дієслова: груп Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous
Вправа 3. Визначте часові форми дієслова в реченнях. Запишіть речення у питальній та заперечній формах. Перекладіть речення.
1. Mr. Black always draws on a drawing board. 2. These young men and women studied at an English technical college in 2002-2004. 3. I will be testing the device when you come. 4. Teachers sometimes hang tables and diagrams before a lecture. 5. The students will go to the institute by tram tomorrow. 6. You are waiting for your girl-friend now. 7. I will have been translating for 2 hours when she
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