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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

seven tons of rubbish. The number of cruise ships is growing every year – in 2000, 240 liners carried ten million passengers – and they are travelling to ever more exotic locations. As a result, even remote waters in Alaska are now polluted.

Вправа 2. Визначте, чи правильними є висловлювання.
1. Cruise liners often pollute seas and oceans. 2. Big liners can accomodate up to 100, 000 people. 3. There are strict rules for treating wastes of ocean-going liners. 4. Ships throw no rubbish overboard. 5. Waters near Alaska are polluted with garbage thrown from the ships. 6. The activity of the American environ-mental group is aimed at the protection of American rivers.
29.4. Граматика. Питання в непрямій мові
Спеціальні питання
Пряма моваНепряма мова
He asked (me), He asked me
“What are you doing? ”what I was doing. 
“Where do you live? ”where I lived. 
“Where does he work? ”where he worked. 
“What is Nick doing? ”what Nick was doing. 
“What have you prepared for today? ”what I had prepared for that day. 
“When did you come home yesterday? ”when I had come home the day before. 
“When will your mother come home? ”when my mother would come home. 
Загальні питання
Пряма моваНепряма мова
He asked me, “Are you watching TV? ”He asked meif /
whetherI was watching TV. 
“Do you play chess? ”I played chess. 
“Does she go to school? ”she went to school. 
“Have you done your homework? ”I had done my homework. 
“Did you skate last winter? ”I had skated last winter. 
“Will you see your friend tomorrow? ”I would see my friend the next day. 
Вправа 2. Передайте речення непрямою мовою, починаючи їх словами у дужках.
1. We’ll close credit lines if you don’t reduce carbon dioxide emission. (They promised) 2. You’re right, some poisonous chemicals really escape into the atmosphere. (He said) 3. Are you going to call on our friends tonight? (They asked) 4. John, stand up immediately! (He ordered) 5. My friend is the best student in this school. (She said) 6. You can’t use your dictionaries during the test. (The teacher warned) 7. Do you want a cup of tea? (They asked) 8. Is the bus service running according to the timetable today? (He wondered)
Вправа 3. Передайте речення непрямою мовою, використовуючи ре-чення у дужках як головні.
1. Where is he going? (He didn’t tell anybody) 2. Where has he gone? (Did you know) 3. Where is he? (Did you know) 4. When is he leaving for abroad? (I wanted to know) 5. Where does he live? (Nobody knew) 6. When will he come back? (She asked them) 7. Where did she buy this bicycle? (He wanted to know) 8. How much did she pay for it? (I had no idea) 9. Have you found the book? (She asked me) 10. Are there any more books here? (The man asked) 11. Did she go shopping yesterday? (I wanted to know) 12. Has she bought the dictionary? (He did not ask her) 13. Does she know the name of the man? (I doubted)
29.5. Домашнє завдання
Вправа 4. Передайте речення непрямою мовою, використовуючи речення у дужках як головні.
1. Where did I put the book? (I forgot) 2. Who has given you this nice kitten? (She wanted to know) 3. Where can I buy an English-Russian dictionary? (He asked me) 4. How long will it take your brother to get to Madrid? (He wondered) 5. Did Susan see the dean this morning? (I asked) 6. Have they sold the picture? (I did not know) 7. Do they know anything new about the travellers? (I wondered) 8. Has Jack given you his telephone number? (She asked me) 9. Is he coming back today? (I was not sure)
Вправа 5. Передайте речення непрямою мовою.
1. She asked me, “What are you doing? ” 2. He asked her, “Are you angry with me? ” 3. I asked him, “Where do you work? ” 4. We asked them, “Have you made up your minds? ” 5. They asked us, “Did you see the monument? ” 6. She asked him, “Can you promise me that? ” 7. He asked me, “Where will you go? ” 8. I asked her, “When will you join our team? ”
Вправа 6. Вивчіть діалог напам’ять.
Is the Earth Getting Hotter?
A: Do you know anything about the “greenhouse” effect?
B: Certainly, I do. I’ve heard that it will soon begin altering the Earth’s climate.
A: Can you say when this effect occurs?
B: It happens when CO2 and certain other gases in the atmosphere allow
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