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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

consumed, and finally discarded. The challenge, therefore, is not merely to find a new method of dealing with waste, but to completely change the manner in which materials flow through human society. At the same time, human discards must be fed back into the economy in ways that reduce the pressure on natural resources. At that point, they are no longer wastes, but resources.

Alternative approaches must begin by questioning the fundamental assumptions of traditional waste management. These include the ever increasing quantity of waste generated, the mixing of disparate materials in the waste stream, and failure of much industrial design to take wastes properly into account. Waste generation is often projected to increase without limit for the foreseeable future. But it should be obvious that waste – and therefore resource consumption – cannot grow infinitely on a finite planet.
Waste management must therefore be replaced by materials management: creating a closed loop economy that neither generates significant wastes nor consumes resources beyond their replacement rate. In order to achieve this closed-loop economy, true waste (material that is of no use and must be disposed) must be differentiated from discards: materials that are of no further use to their present owner but are still a resource to be fed back into the economy. This means an end to the mixed waste stream. When discards are mixed, they become useless and appear to require large-scale disposal technologies to manage them.
Currently, waste management is treated as wholly unrelated to an econo-my’s production and consumption patterns. Governments collect and manage most waste while private firms and consumers produce it. As a result, private businesses shift a significant portion of their costs onto society as a whole by not taking responsibility for their waste streams and by manufacturing products that cannot readily be recycled. Even when producers do have responsibility for their wastes, such as process wastes from a factory, they rarely pay the full cost of managing them. Incineration and landfilling merely transfer the problem to other populations and future generations. Large-scale industrial redesign is needed to eliminate wastes that result from production and change products so that they may be recycled.
Ultimately, an effective program for dealing with waste is more about materials management than about technology. Although the details vary consi-derably, three principles are the key to solving the waste problem: prevention / minimization, waste stream segregation and industrial redesign.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What are the traditional ways of waste disposal? 2. Why are incinerators and landfills harmful to the environment? 3. What is meant by a linear production model? 4. What is a true waste? 5. What is needed to eliminate wastes? 7. What are the key principles to solve the waste problem? 8. Are you ready to sort your wastes at home?
28.4. Граматика. Пряма та непряма мови
У непрямій мові обставинні слова змінюються: 
Пряма моваНепряма мова
todaythat day
the day before
the next day
... ago
... before
this (these)
that (those)
last year
the year before
next... the following... 
Перетворення спонукальних речень в непрямій мові
Keep quiet! Don’t make noise! 
He told (asked) meto keep quiet and not to make noise. 
Перетворення стверджувальних речень з прямої в непряму мову
I am an engineer. I work at a plant. In the evening I study English. 
He said
Не told methathe was an engineer and worked at a plant
and added that he studied English in the evening. 
I saw my friend yesterday. 
He said
He told methathe had seen his friend the day before. 
We lived in Rome two years ago. My father worked there. 
He said
He told methatthey had lived in Rome two years before and added that his father had worked there. 
I will tell you about it tomorrow. 
He said
He told methathe would tell me about it the next day. 
Час підрядного речення не змінюється, якщо підрядне речення є висловлюванням, що не викликає заперечень. Наприклад, “The earth is round, ” said the teacher. – The teacher said (that) the earth is round.
Past Continuous зазвичай не змінюється: “I was travelling to Brighton while she was flying to the USA, ” he said. – He said he was travelling to Brighton while she was flying to the USA.
Модальні дієслова would, could, might, should, ought to не зміню-ються у непрямій мові: “He might visit us, ” Mum said. – Mum said that he might visit us.
Вправа 2. Передайте непрямою мовою, використовуючи дієслова у дужках.
1. Close the door, please. (tell) –
Фото Капча