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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

The teacher ___. 2. Will you hold these books for a moment, please? (ask) – The librarian ___. 3. Please don’t tell anyone about what happened. (ask) – Mike ___. 4. Keep silence! (tell). The teacher ___. 5. Could you give me a lift? (ask) – Jack ___. 6. Put on your hat and scarf at once! (tell) – Mother ___.

28.5. Домашнє завдання
Вправа 3. Запишіть речення непрямою мовою.
1. The physicist said to the journalist: “We have already finished the experiment”. 2. The young chemist said: “The discovery is of great practical value”. 3. The engineers replied: “We must make the design accessible for cleaning”. 4. The operator said: “It was difficult to maintain constant tempera-ture. ” 5. The scientist said: “We have been discussing the problem with our colleagues for two hours” 6. The researcher declared: “The development of the electronic computer has changed the scientific world”. 7. The programmer argued: “Any programme contains at least one error”. 8. The plumber reassured us: “From now on the tap will work perfectly well”. 9. The chief said to a young designer: “Check the capacity of the engine”. 10. The lecturer said: “The neutron was discovered in 1932”.
Вправа 4. Передайте речення непрямою мовою.
1. The teacher explained, “In fact every hydraulic system can be reduced to a simple pump-motor system”. 2. The expert said, “Laser cutting is excellent at processing different materials”. 3. The researcher explained, “Radio waves have been used since 1931 to investigate celestial objects”. 4. The oceanographer said, “We will develop innovative techniques to restore aquatic ecosystems”. 5. The manager said, “We offer you a part-time job on your computer”.
Вправа 5. Складіть розповідь про забруднення вашого міста, району, вулиці, під’їзду тощо.
Lesson 29. Ecological Dangers
29.1. Усна тема. Забруднення шумом
Прочитайте і перекладіть текст. Знайдіть у словнику підкреслені слова.
Noise Pollution
If indeed silence is golden, it is also becoming as rare as gold. It seems that the progress of man includes a rising volume of noise. In every home a stereo or television will fill the rooms with sound. Between sunrise and sunset, streets and highways are a constant source of noise from cars, buses, and trucks. You can pass any factory or construction area and the roar of its machinery will make your ears ring. Music is played in every supermarket, most restaurants and many offices.
Big cities of the world such as Los Angeles (California, USA), Osaka (Japan) are well-known for their noisiness.
Noise pollution is the new side effect of our technological age. Day or night, the sound of work fills the air. It seems that the soothing effects of silence are nowhere to be found. Even the quiet of our carefully protected wilderness areas can be invaded at any moment by passing jet.
We are realizing, finally, that silence is a natural resource and must be protected by law.
29.2. Письмові завдання
Вправа 1. Перекладіть текст письмово рідною мовою.
Jet Planes Keep Us Warm at Night
Scientists have discovered an unexpected reason for climatic change: airplanes. New research has revealed that vapour trails from jet aircraft flying across the country make nights up to 10С (1. 80F) warmer, and days 10С cooler. The study was conducted by checking the records at 4, 000 weather stations when aircrafts were grounded across the US in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. When compared with historical averages, they discovered that those nights were colder and the days warmer, with the temperature difference between night and day rising by an average of 1. 80C. The vapour trails, which can turn into high altitude cirrus clouds in the right conditions, reflect sunlight back during the day reducing air temperature at ground level and act as an insulating layer at night helping keep warm air in.
29.3. Читання
Прочитайте текст. Знайдіть у словнику підкреслені слова.
Cruise Liners Are Contaminating Our Oceans
Luxury cruise liners that carry millions of passengers to remote corners of the globe are polluting the seas and endangering marine life. The new super-liners, which can accommodate up to 4, 000 passengers and crew, are pumping thousands of gallons of sewage and oily bilge water into the sea every day with potentially disastrous effects on fragile ecosystems. These cruise holidays are increasingly popular but the ships are like floating cities without any rules on sewage and waste disposal. A study conducted by the American environmental group, which is dedicated solely to the protection of the Earth’s oceans, has revealed that a typical ship’s daily waste will include 37, 000 gallons of oily bilge water; 30, 000 gallons of sewage; 255, 000 gallons of waste water (from showers etc.) ; and
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