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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

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harness the infrared portion.

“Everything that’s warm gives off some heat”, Sargent said. “So there actually is some power remaining in the infrared spectrum, even when it appears to us to be dark outside”.
The researchers combined specially designed nano-particles called quantum dots with a polymer to make the plastic that can detect energy in the infrared. With further advances, the new plastic “could allow up to 30 percent of the sun’s radiant energy to be harnessed, compared to 6 percent in today’s best plastic solar cells”, said Peter Peumans, a Stanford University electrical engineering professor, who studied the work.
Electrical Sweaters
The new material could make technology truly wireless. Sargent said that the plastic coating could be woven into a shirt or sweater and used to charge an item like a cell phone.
“A sweater is already absorbing all sorts of light both in the infrared and the visible”, said Sargent. “Instead of just turning that into heat, as it currently does, imagine if it were to turn that into electricity”.
Other possibilities include energy-saving plastic sheeting that could be spread on a rooftop to supply heating needs, or solar cell window coating that could let in enough infrared light to power home appliances.
Складіть діалог до тексту (3-4 репліки кожний партнер).
30.4. Граматика. Повторення підрядних речень
Вправа 2. Доповніть текст необхідними відносними займенниками.
During your holidays, ___ you go somewhere with your friends, you usually take a lot of things with you. Though, your holiday suitcase is never big enough, is it? And there isn’t a place ___ you can put bulky items like a sleeping bag. Well, there is a simple solution: take a rope or a scotch and attach it to your suitcase.
On holiday you put all the clothes ___ you have worn into old bags before you take them home. And when you get home, your brother says “___ T-shirt is this, yours or mine? ” Correct? Well, here are some attractive bags ___ come in different sizes for different clothes.
There are people ___ like to read late at night on holiday and there are other people ___ want to go to sleep. Here is the answer. It’s a little reading light ___ you put behind the book while you are reading.
Вправа 3. Вставте that, who, what.
1. Tell me ___ you want and I will try to help you. 2. Why do you blame me for everything ___ goes wrong in our group? 3. Maria is the only person ___ understands me. 4. Why do you always disagree with anything ___ I say? 5. She gives her children everything ___ they want. 6. This is an awful film. It’s the worst one ___ I’ve ever seen. 7. I won’t be able to do very much but I’ll do the best ___ I can. 8. Nobody knows ___ kind of work is being carried out in that laboratory.
Вправа 4. Передайте непрямою мовою.
1. Mike hasn’t come to school today. – The teacher says that Mike hasn’t сотe to school today. 2. Are you going anywhere for the weekend? – Tom asked me ___. 3. I’m really angry with you for what you’ve done. – Hannah said that ___. 4. How long has Paul Brown been living in this street? – The police officer asked ___. 5. The police will probably want to question me. – The director thought that ___. 6. I was in love with Judith once. – He confessed that ___. 7. I have a lot of pets at home: a dog, a cat and some budgies. – Anna says that ___. 8. Have you met Kate before? – Mike wanted to know ___.
30.5. Домашнє завдання
Вправа 5. Розкажіть про тварин з тексту (30. 1), використовуючи такі фрази. Не забудьте вжити правило узгодження часів.
1. I learned that... 2. It was reported that... 3. It turned out that... 4. Scientists warned that... 5. It appeared that...
Вправа 6. Визначте типи підрядних речень та перекладіть їх.
а) 1. That it is possible to convert heat to energy and energy back to heat can be demonstrated in a number of ways. 2. When we will start a new series of experiments is not settled yet. 3. Whether the spaceship will be able to leave the earth depends upon the speed of the ship.
b) 1. One of the main characteristics of plastics is that their molecules are composed of a large number of repeating molecules known as monomers. 2. The most important feature of this plant is that all its shops are equipped with automatic and semi-automatic machine-tools. 3. The difficulty is whether all the processes of the
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