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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

very beginning of our existence on this planet, and even when man was not present.

Today, industrial activity is so great and fuel-powered transportation devices are so numerous that air pollution of human origin is starting to produce noticeable effects on a global scale. Carbon monoxide (CO) emitted by auto-mobile engines arises from incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons found in gasoline in which the fuel reacts with less oxygen than it is theoretically possible. It is estimated that as a result of human activity about 260 million tons of carbon monoxide are released into the Earth’s atmosphere every year. Automobile exhaust gases contain an average of 4-5% CO. As to sulphur oxides, they have other bad effects in addition to those concerning human health. In high concentrations they are lethal to vegetation.
There has appeared one more type of pollution which is threatening the globe as a whole. The protective layer of ozone around our planet is under severe attack. Alarm bells sounded in 1982 when researches in the Antarctic first identified a yawning hole where the ozone layer is the thinnest. Five years later it was reported that the hole had grown to an area the size of the United States. The fundamental importance of the ozone layer is that it acts as a filter intercepting most of the sun’s radiation including potentially harmful ultraviolet β-rays which can cause melanoma – skin cancer.
The cause of the appearance of the arctic hole is the growing industrial use of chlorine compounds called chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-s). CFC is a propellent gas commonly used in aerosol sprays, air cooling systems in fridges and air conditioning. There is the need for an international agreement that would completely stop CFC production.
Визначте, чи є правильними висловлювання.
1. Industrial activity produces no effect on nature. 2. Automobile engines emit carbon monoxide. 3. Every year one ton of carbon monoxide is emitted into the atmosphere. 4. Sulphur oxides are harmful only to human health. 5. Scientists discovered the hole in ozone layer in 1917. 6. Now the ozone hole is the size of Moldova. 7. Ozone layer protects the Earth against the sun’s radiation. 8. Too much ultraviolet radiation can cause only good suntan. 9. The arctic hole appeared due to the use of CFC-s. 10. CFC-s are used in nuclear reactors.
27.2. Письмові завдання
Вправа 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово наступний текст.
Eco – catastrophe
Air pollution continues to be the most obvious manifestation of environ-mental deterioration. Giant metropolises like New York and Los Angeles, suffer from recurrent smog disasters.
The public has been partially prepared for the worst as TV screens became filled with scenes of horror from the areas worst affected by pollution.
Terms like nitrogen oxide, acute bronchitis and cardiac arrest began to have real meaning for most Americans. The department of Health, Education and Welfare announced studies that showed unequivocally that increasing death rates from hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer and a series of other diseases had resulted from these chemical compounds – products of industrial waste and automobile exhaust fumes.
27.3. Читання
Прочитайте діалог по ролях.
A: Can you tell me anything about smoggy cities?
B: I know that the smoggiest cities in the world are Teheran, Baghdad, Delhi, Calcutta, Athens and Madrid.
A: And what is the reason?
B: It’s the presence of great amount of sulphur dioxide and suspended particles in the air. Rain washes these harmful substances out of the air, but this creates “acid rain”.
A: Are acid rains harmful?
B: Certainly. They pollute water, damage crops, forests and buildings.
A: Do they affect people’s health?
B: Of course, they do.
27.4. Граматика. Узгодження часів
Запам’ятайте! Якщо у головному реченні використовується присудок у минулому часі, то й у підрядному реченні присудок повинен бути в одній з форм минулого часу, а саме: 
Головне речення в минулому часіПідрядне речення
Past Simple1. для одночасної дії
(в укр. мові – теперішній час) Past Simple
Past Continuous
was / were + V-ing
2. для дії, яка мала місце раніше
(в укр. мові – минулий час) Past Perfect
had + V-III
3. для майбутньої дії
(в укр. мові – майбутній час) Future-in-the-Past
would + V-0
He said thathe often went to the skating rink. 
he had gone the skating rink the last week. 
he would go to the skating rink the next week. 
Він сказав, щовін часто ходить на каток. 
він ходив на каток минулого тижня. 
він піде на каток наступного тижня. 
Вправа 2. Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на узгодження часів.
1. Nobody expected that he
Фото Капча