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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

of). 14. The doctor ___ (to send for) 10 minutes ago.

24.5. Домашнє завдання
Вправа 6. Перепишіть речення так, щоб вони виражали можливість, використовуючи модальні дієслова may, might, must, can’t.
1. They say, it will snow today. 2. He will come in the evening. 3. Tom will show me the photos tomorrow. 4. This pen is mine. 5. He doesn’t own Rolls Royce. 6. They haven’t met the Queen. 7. Shakespeare lived there. 8. They are visiting their parents. 9. He is working as a taxi driver. 10. They have come by train. 11. This question will be discussed later. 12. This letter has been sent by e-mail. 13. The ticket has been already found. 14. The baby is sleeping.
Вправа 7. Поставте дієслова в дужках у потрібну форму в Passive Voice.
1. Don’t enter the room! A student (to examine) there. 2. After the accident he (to take) immediately home. 3. The letter (to type) by the typist when I came into the dean’s office. 4. I am sure that this work (to finish) by the end of the month. 5. New magazines just (to bring). Would you like to look them through? 6. The exercises usually (to check) at the lessons. 7. Many new beautiful houses (to build) in our city lately. 8. The question which (to discuss) now is very important. 9. This bridge (to renovate) in 1970. 10. All the students (to examine) by 5 o’clock. 11. The steamer (to unload) at dock 5 at the moment. 12. My mobile phone (to charge) already. 13. The letter (to post) as soon as we arrive to the office. 14. The parcel (not to bring) yet.
Вправа 8. Підберіть визначення до понять, що стосуються освіти у США. 
1. A yearbookaa student teaching other students of the same or similar age or grade level
2. A freshmenba school where students go to learn how to do a particular job
3. A sophomoreca school that gives advanced academic degrees, such as master's degrees and doctoral degrees
4. A peer tutorda book that students get when they graduate from school (usually at high school or college). 
5. A graduate school (grad school) ea type of public education institution; usually provides two-year college education at reasonable tuition fees
6. An undergraduatefa student in the second year
7. A trade schoolga time by which some task must be completed (e. g. the time when students must turn in their homework) 
8. A preparatory schoolha degree a person gets from a university by finishing a doctorate program
9. A deadlineia student in the first year
10. The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) ja test which measures people’s English language skills to see if they are good enough to take a course at university or graduate school in English-speaking countries
11. Community collegeka school, especially one that is private, that prepares students for college
12. TOEFLla student completing a first degree
Вправа 9. Складіть розповідь про освіту в США з використанням активних слів та виразів.
Unit 5. Environmental Protection
Lesson 25. Ecology
25.1. Розмовна тема. Екологія
Прочитайте текст. Знайдіть у словнику підкреслені слова.
For millennia man had to struggle against nature in order to survive and develop. However, as economy developed and the scientific and technological revolution increased, the correlation of forces between man and nature changed. Man gradually grew so strong that he dared to declare himself the “king of nature” and contemplated conquering and remolding nature to his liking. As a result his economic achievements began to have an increasingly negative effect on nature, on the biosphere.
Here are some figures.
Road and factory construction and industrial development take away to 7 million hectares of land every year. Forests disappear at a rate of some 20 hectares a minute. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 76 animal species and several hundred plant species of the Earth became extinct in the last 60 years alone.
Each year the world economy ejects into the atmosphere over 200 million of carbon monoxide, more than 50 million tons of diverse hydrocarbons, over 120 million tons of ash and nearly 150 million tons of sulphur dioxide. They fall back upon the Earth in the form of “acid rains”.
The threat of ecological catastrophe approaches simultaneously from different directions: pollution and impoverishment of the seas, oceans, rivers, underground waters, pollution and destruction of woods and agricultural grounds, pollution of the atmosphere, reduction of the protective ozone layer, dramatic changes of climate, rising of the ocean level, accumulation of deadly radioactive substances made by uncountable nuclear power stations, impoverish-ment of the vegetative and animal world, exhaustion
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