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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

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on the warm water from tropics becoming more saline as it approaches the Arctic, and sinking to the bottom of the Ocean. From there it flows back to Mexico, so the process can begin again. But with fresh water from melting Arctic ice caps flowing into the sea, this circuit is being disrupted.

26.3. Читання
Прочитайте текст та поставте п’ять запитань до його змісту.
The Black Sea Pollution
The story about the Black Sea pollution starts like almost any other pollution story. Once, about half a decade ago, the Black Sea had very rich and diverse marine ecosystems. It also had major economic benefits in the form of millions of tourists coming from all over the world, not to mention the abundant fisheries.
But in the 1990s, this important natural resource has been brought at the brink of destruction. Once rich biodiversity became only a fond memory, and foreign tourists are no longer coming to enjoy the natural beauties that this area once offered. There is also no more fish, and tragically the Black Sea has become an area to dump all forms of solid and liquid waste.
The Black Sea is full of different pollutants such as toxic metals and agrochemicals. These substances have caused an overproduction of phytoplankton which prevents light from reaching the sea grasses and algae, thus making a huge damage to marine life.
Many tanker accidents caused oil pollution, while coastal industries continue to discharge waste products directly, with little or no treatment. This, along with huge industrial activity in the area, shipping and offshore oil exploration have created critical environmental situation.
In order to fight this pollution, the six surrounding countries signed the Bucharest convention in 1992 but this convention has so far had very little impact because several governments have not yet released the funds needed to fulfill their commitments in fight against the Black Sea pollution.
And so the pollution still continues.
26.4. Граматика. Безсполучникові речення
Додаткові підрядні речення.
Характеризуються відсутністю сполучника that. 
I do not think this work was so difficult. Я не думаю, що ця робота була такою важкою. 
I know you are right. Я знаю, що ви праві. 
Ознаальні підрядні речення.
Характеризуються відсутністю слів who, whom, which, that. 
The letter he sent me was too long. Лист, який він мені прислав, був надто довгим. 
The work I am doing now is very important. Робота, яку я зараз виконую, дуже важлива. 
У безсполучникових реченнях прийменник може стояти тільки після дієслова. Він виділяється наголосом. 
The man you were speaking to is our coach. Чоловік, з яким ви розмовляли, наш тренер. 
I want to buy the book you told me about. Я хочу купити книжку, про яку ви мені говорили. 
Вправа 2. Перекладіть рідною мовою.
1. The hotel we stayed at is in the centre of the city. 2. The film we saw yesterday is not a very good one. 3. I think he is the best man I have ever known. 4. The experiments showed this substance was unique in its properties. 5. We know the value of voltage is the same in all the elements of a parallel circuit. 6. The weight of an atom depends on the number of protons and neutrons it contains. 7. The experiment we have made is of great importance to our laboratory. 8. The problem we will discuss is connected with new electronic devices. 9. We think cadmium is very useful for the application in transistors. 10. The instructor said people would use this device in long distance flights.
26.5. Домашнє завдання
Вправа 3. Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на безсполучникові підрядні речення. Визначте місця, де могли б стояти слова which, that, whom.
1. The papers you must take away and burn are in these boxes. 2. I like the watch my father gave me. 3. I do not think the distance is very great. 4. He says we’ll find these stones later on. 5. I am afraid you will be ill. 6. Don’t you know water becomes ice if the temperature is below zero? 7. The girl you are looking at is a young scientist. 8. Where is the umbrella I gave you? 9. What is the name of the river we see in the distance? 10. At the exhibition I saw the picture you like so much.
Вправа 4. Складіть по два речення англійською на кожний тип безспо-лучникового підрядного речення (п. 26. 4).
Вправа 5. Розкажіть про забруднення води, використовуючи активні слова та словосполучення.
Lesson 27. Air Pollution
27.1. Усна тема. Забруднення повітря
Прочитайте текст. Знайдіть у словнику та запам’ятайте підкреслені слова.
Air pollution has probably been with us since the
Фото Капча