Тип роботи:
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок:
shall have the right to make a
. demand upon the other Party for the
. compensation of any possible
. damages.
Сторона, для которой создалась . The Party for whom it becomes
невозможность исполнения обяза- . impossible to meet their obliga-
тельств по контракту, должна о . tions under the present Contract,
наступлении и прекращении обстоя- . shall immediately advise the other
тельств, препятствующих исполнению . Party as regards the beginning and
обязательств, немедленно извещать . the cessation of the circumstances
другую сторону. . preventing the fulfilment of their
. obligations.
Надлежащим доказательством нали- . The certificates issued by the
чия указанных выше обстоятельств и . respective Chamber of Commerce of
их продолжительности будут служить . the Sellers' or of the Buyers's
справки, выдаваемые соответственно . country shall be sufficient proof
Торговой Палатой страны Продавца . of such circumstances and their
или Покупателя. . durability.
11. Другие условия . 11. Other Conditions
Все сборы (включая портовые и до- . All dues (including port and dock
ковые), налоги и таможенные расходы . ones), taxes and customs duties
на территории страны Продавца, свя- . levied in the territory of the
занные с выполнением настоящего . Sellers' country connected with
контракта, оплачиваются Продавцом и . execution of the present Contract
за его счет. . are to be paid by the Sellers and
. for their account.
Получение экспортных лицензий, . The Seller is bound to obtain
если таковые потребуются, лежит на . Export Licenses if such are
обязанности Продавца. . required.
С момента подписания настоящего . From the moment of signing the
контракта все предыдущие переговоры . present Contract all the previous
и переписка по нему теряют силу. . negotiations and correspondence
. connected with same are null and
. void.
Ни одна из сторон не вправе пере- . None of the Parties has the right
дать свои права и обязательства по . to assign their right and obliga-
контракту без письменного на то . tions under the present Contract
согласия другой стороны. . without written consent of the
. other Party.
Всякие изменения и дополнения к . Any amendments and supplements to
настоящему контракту будут действи- . the present Contract are valid only
тельны лишь при условии, если они . if made in writing and signed by
совершены в письменной форме и под- . duly authorized representatives of
писаны уполномоченными на то лицами . both Parties.
обеих сторон. .
Настоящий контракт составлен в . The present Contract is made up
двух экземплярах, причем оба эк- . in two copies both having the same
земпляра имеют одинаковую силу. . value.
12. Юридические адреса . 12. Legal Addresses of the Parties
сторон .
Commercial invoices, bills of lading.
Commercial invoices are usually issued by sellers or sellers’ banks after the goods are shipped, together with shipping documents invoices are usually sent to the buyers’ bank for payment.
Commercial invoices generally contain the following information: number and date of the invoice, number and date of the contract, date of delivery, number and date of the transport document, description of the goods, price per unit, quantity and total amount to be paid.
Transportation documents are usually attached to commercial invoices as a proof of shipment which also enables the buyers to receive the goods. Transportation documents include: bills of lading, air waybills, railway bills, road carriage bills and others depending on the mode of transportation used.
Since sea and river shipments are considered most economical, they are most often used and bills of lading are thus most popular transportation documents.
Bills of lading usually contain the following: name of consignor, name of consignee, name of vessel, shipping date, weight, measurement, marking, number of cases, contents of the cases.
Sometimes, when the packing is bad or the cases are damaged, the master of the ship makes a certain note of it on the bill. It makes the bill dirty then. If no notes are made on the bill it is clean. Usually the contracts say that only clean bills of lading can be attached to the commercial invoices and thus considered a proof of shipment.
Task 1. Fill in the gaps, choosing from the words below:
terms, reclaim, charges, delivery, letter of credit, arbitration, freight/loading, penalty, substandard, parties, payment, specification, late, invoked.
between WIDGETRY Ltd (hereafter known as “the seller”) and MERCURY plc (hereafter known as “the buyer”)
The seller undertakes to supply the buyer