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Pecularities of translation into Ukrainian of English phraseological units in the texts of literary discourse

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they filled the air with melancholy cries. Along one side lay the Cathedral with its great central tower, and Philip, who knew as yet nothing of beauty, felt when he looked at it a troubling delight which he could not understand. When he had a study (it was a little square room looking on a slum, and four boys shared it), he bought a photograph of that view of the Cathedral, and pinned it up over his desk. And he found himself taking a new interest in what he saw from the window of the Fourth Form room. It looked on to old lawns, carefully tended, and fine trees with foliage dense and rich. It gave him an odd feeling in his heart, and he did not know if it was pain or pleasure. It was the first dawn of the aesthetic emotion. It accompanied other changes. His voice broke. It was no longer quite under his control, and queer sounds issued from his throat.

Discourse parameters of the text:
In this text are no extralingual factors: neither pictures, nor diagrams, nor formulas.
The text belong to the fictional (aesthetic) discourse, which is co-called literary.
Stylistic characteristics of the text:
To analyse linguistic specifics of the story, one of which is creation of mood of loneliness, melancholy, sadness, tention and, at the same time, warm-heartedness and sweetness, using such words as pain or pleasure, troubling delight, melancholy cries, wanted urgently to be alone, foliage dense and rich, an abstracted mind, He was kind, gentle, and foolish, He took it good-humouredly;
Figures of speech used it the text:
Metaphors: His voice broke, He looked upon boys as young ruffians, troubling delight, a little stream, that ran through green fields, abstracted gaze, it was disappointing, but not significant, to let it enter your head, lay the Cathedral, for space was so limited, something in him to suggest the tar-barrel..
Epithets: fine trees with foliage dense and rich, melancholy cries, was a little square room, a cheerful effrontery, man with an immense belly, a black beard turning now to gray, and a swarthy skin, vaguely distasteful, voracious appetite, He was kind, gentle, and foolish, great central tower.
Idioms: the boys looked upon him as rather a dog, to lick boys into shape, got a look in, to learn by heart, hand in hand, arm in arm, he lay face-downward on the grass, acquired for him an insignificance,
Hyperbole: looked infinitely bored, unbounded belief in human depravity, immense belly.
Repetition: “Ask much and much shall be given to you”; He was not popular, and he was very lonely; He did his duty, but he did it with an abstracted mind, easily roused and as easily calmed .
Ways of lexical cohesion on the text: repetition link like he – him, had a great belief – had no great faith, Turner – a short man, Tar – tar-barrel, the most vivacious – the most wordly, easily roused and as easily calmed – have no patience, Turner – tar-barrel.
Types of translation transformation applied in the text:
1.Его настоящее имя было Тернер – His name was Turner.
2.…однажды его видели в кафе «Ройял» с какой-то дамой – возможно, это была его родственница – once been seen at the Cafe Royal with a lady who was very probably a near relation.
3.Philip was now more comfortable – Филипу жилось теперь куда привольнее.
Descriptive translation
1. with the crib that passed from hand to hand – шпаргалке, передававшейся из рук в руки.
2. you could hold a Latin Grammar open on your knees while questions were passing round – когда задавали вопрос, можно было держать на коленях раскрытую латинскую грамматику.
3. “Ask much,” he quoted, “and much shall be given to you.”– “Просите, и дано будет вам”, – цитировал он.
4. His voice broke – Его голос ломался.
5. There was a little stream, with pollards on both sides of it, that ran through green fields, and it made him happy, he knew not why, to wander along its banks. – Невдалеке средь зеленых полей бежала речка; по обе стороны ее росли подстриженные деревья; сам не понимая почему, Филип испытывал радость, бродя по ее берегам. 
1.…and Winks never noticed anything odd in the fact that the same incredible mistake was to be found in a dozen different exercises. – Соня не видел ничего странного в том, что одна и та же несуразная ошибка попадалась в добром десятке ученических упражнений.
2.He had no patience with fools, but was willing to take much trouble with boys whom he suspected of concealing intelligence behind their willfulness – Тупиц он не терпел, но не жалел сил на шалуна, если подозревал, что тот обладает живым умом.
1.When he was tired he lay face-downward on the grass and watched the eager scurrying of minnows and of tadpoles. – Устав, он ложился ничком в траву и наблюдал за возней пескарей и головастиков.
2. …was thenceforward supposed by generations of schoolboys to indulge in orgies... – ..но с тех пор целые поколения школьников не сомневались, что он страшный повеса..
1.He was not popular, and he was very lonely. – Его недолюбливали, он чувствовал себя очень одиноким.
2...boys used to wander round sometimes arm in arm, or a studious fellow with abstracted gaze walked slowly, repeating to himself something he had to learn by heart. – ..лишь изредка встретишь гуляющих мальчиков да какого-нибудь прилежного ученика, который с отсутствующим взглядом на ходу заучивает что-нибудь наизусть. 
1.There was a little stream, with pollards on both sides of it, that ran through green fields, and it made him happy, he knew not why, to wander along its banks. – Невдалеке средь зеленых полей бежала речка; по обе стороны ее росли подстриженные деревья; сам не понимая почему, Филип испытывал радость, бродя по ее берегам.
And he found himself taking a new interest in what he saw from the window of the Fourth Form room. It looked on to old lawns, carefully tended, and fine trees with foliage dense and rich.– С новым интересом стал он глядеть на вид, открывавшийся из окна четвертого класса: на тщательно подстриженный газон и высокие деревья с пышными густыми кронами. (об’єднання двох речень в одне).
1.He was the most worldly of the masters; he dined out more frequently than any of the others, and the society he kept was not so exclusively clerical. – . Он был наиболее светским человеком из учителей: вращался не только среди духовенства и чаще других обедал в чужой компании.
2.When he had a study (it was a little square room looking on a slum, and four boys shared it), he bought a photograph of that view of the Cathedral, and pinned it up over his desk. – Когда ему и еще троим ученикам отвели комнату для занятий (это была крошечная квадратная комнатка, откуда были видны городские трущобы), он купил фотографию собора и прибил ее над своим столом. 
3.В старшем третьем классе целых два триместра его наставником был Соня. – He spent a couple of terms with Winks in the Upper Third.
1.В старшем третьем классе целых два триместра его наставником был Соня. – He spent a couple of terms with Winks in the Upper Third.
Курсову роботу присвячено особливостям формування фразеологічних одиниць в англійській та українській мовах, вивченню їх значення, класифікації, передумов для творення та вживання у розмовній мові. Також курсова робота містить тлумачення та розгорнуте визначення, що таке фразеологізми, в яких дискурсах вони вживаться, як на них впливає стилістичне забарвлення тексту. У ході роботи показані та описані різні способи перекладу фразеологізмів у літературному дискурсі, їх класифікація згідно з теоріями вчених-лінгвістів, описано особливості формування фразеологізмів та здійснено практичнй аналіз фразеологічних одиниць у літературному дискурсі. При перекладі ідіом найчастіше використовується descriptive method, addition method, transliteration and transcription.
Ключові слова: фразеологізми, ідіоми в українській та англійській мовах, способи перекладу, фразеологія, літературний дискурс, способи перекладу.
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