the features graphic preparation teacher of labour studies, In. Kuz'menko, D. Tkhorzhevskiy expose the system organizationally pedagogical terms from practical preparation students to the leadthrough of employments in educational workshops, V. Kurok grounds the specific integration of educational disciplines in the structure preparation teacher to labour education schoolboys, B. Simenach exposes the mechanisms of development creative capabilities students in the process their professional preparation, V. Teshenko develops the model providing intersubject connections in maintenance preparation teacher labour studies, M. Khovrich accents scientific interests on preparation students to realization of professional orientation work, L. Khomenko probes preparation teacher labour studies to constructing, design, development of technology and making sewings wares and to many other.
Підготовка майбутніх учителів освітньої галузі «технологія» до інноваційної педагогічної діяльності
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The detailed enough study of such works brings us over to the conclusion about really existent contradiction between a legislative and scientific base in relation to the innovative decision of problems of labour studies of students in the system school education and braking of such process through insufficient preparation of teachers of labour studies to innovative activity.
Selection of unsolved parts of general issue. In educationally - pedagogical practical aspect all of these pre-conditions especially actualice a requirement in forming of teacher with strategic innovative thought, mobile, apt at active innovative activity, subject oriented to the reflexive conduct in constantly making progress development non-standard educationally - pedagogical situations which take a place in the conditions of modern hi-tech informative society. In the context object and article of our scientific interest all of it predetermines re orientation preparation teachers of labour studies in accordance with the update primary objective, tasks and semantic direction school educational industry «Technology».
Purpose of the article and task. All that expounded higher induced us to the analysis features preparation students as future teachers of educational industry «Technology» to innovative pedagogical activity. In this article we aim to expose theoretical approaches and practical realities of preparation of students of VNZ as future specialists to professional innovative activity.
Taking into account the put purpose, consider necessaryto systematize such constituents of the probed problem as: readiness teacher to activity in the context of ultimate goal an educational-educate process, innovative activity of teacher is in the context didactics its comprehension, providing preparation teacher to innovative activity dynamics in results.
Exposition basic material of research. The theoretical layer of our research allows us to lean against certain conclusions and positions. For example, researches of V.Borisova are conducted, L.Grigorenko, O.Moroza
O. of Yaroshenko, G.Chikanovoy but other prove that does not exist the unique and comprehensive readiness, but is readiness to the certain type of activity. At the same time readiness is the system, which consists separate components, which include ability and skills (organizational, communicative, gnosticism, structural and others like that) which are formed on the basis of external and internal terms. [6]
The analysis of researches from a theory and method trade education testifies that question readiness teachers to activity it is enough developed. This problem in works of scientists contacts with different aspects: by readiness of future teachers to aesthetically beautiful, innovative, research activity, to pedagogical co-operation (M. of Vievska, V.Borisov, O. Gantry); by readiness of future teachers to professional activity (O. of Abdullina, And. Aleksyuk, Is. Belozercev, And. Boyko, Ya.Bolyubash, In. Cooper, O. of Gluzman, С. Goncharenko, Gramme. Grebenyuk); by readiness to realization separate functions of pedagogical activity (Yu.Bogdanova, In. Dorokhina, L. Kondrashova, С. Manukova, O. Proskura, G. Shtel'makh but other). Important for our research is position authors in accordance with which readiness to pedagogical activity is probed in the context of personality approach and understood as interactive quality of personality of teacher, well-off to the effective studies and education of the young generation. Thus huge majority of the mentioned research workers abandon oneself to the idea about co-ordination of the use of «forming terms» and «preparation» in description of purposeful pedagogical influences on personality with the purpose of providing of its readiness to pedagogical professional activity [2].
From the point of view meaningfulness of theoretical base for the probed problem among labours of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists, devoted consideration separate aspects of forming readiness future teachers to innovative professional activity, will mark, in the first turn, the monograph of L. Podimovoy and In. Slastenina, candidate's dissertations of M.Duki, Н. Klokar, O. of Gantry, Gramme. Kravchenko, Н. Krickoy, And. Protasovoy, Ю. Rudinovoy, L. Sedovoy, L.Strucenko but other For them to a certain extent the tasks exposure theoretical-methodical and practical principles forming of readiness future teachers are untied to innovative professional activity. In particular, grounded and measures, directed on forming for the future teachers positive attitude toward innovative professional activity (L.Strucenko), development of divergence pedagogical thought, are experimentally checked up
(N.Kricka, L. Sedova), the terms forming for the teachers readiness appear to creation of educational innovations (M. of