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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

was no need for a mouse, because there was nothing to point to on a computer screen. Early computers had primitive interfaces that used crude methods to receive data, like punch cards or teletype machines. Once graphical user interfaces were created, however, and pointing became an essential part of interacting with a computer, the mouse soon became the input device of choice in personal computing. The first mouse to have commercial success debuted with Apple’s Macintosh computer in 1984.

Speech Patterns
There is (was) nothingto rely on. Нема на що покластися. 
nobodyНі на кого покластися. 
Choose one of the options.
1. A mouse is ___.
a) a computer virus b) a system software c) an input device
2. Early computers used ___ cards to receive data.
a) punched b) playing c) credit
3. The mouse appeared only after ___ was created.
a) a keyboard b) a graphical interface c) a mouse pad
Text 5. What Are the Negative Social Effects of Computer Addiction?
Like any other addict, computer addicts can suffer from a variety of harmful side effects from their obsessive behavior. The most common and evident negative side effect revolves around the addict’s social life. Most computer addicts will completely withdraw from their friends and family so they can have more time to spend on the computer, whether e-mailing, chatting, viewing pornography or playing games. Ultimately, the addicts will almost always completely withdraw from their real social world and delve deeper into their cyber world. Gamers, especially, can begin to consider things happening in their virtual gamer’s world as more important than anything in their real lives. Many times these addicts will end up having trouble navigating real social situations.
Speech Patterns
will + Verb (іноді) для посилення
Most computer addicts will completely withdraw from their friends... Більшість комп’ютерозалежних часто повністю відсторонюються від своїх друзів …. 
In difficult situations he will always support his friends. В скрутних ситуаціях він завжди підтримує своїх друзів. 
Choose one of the options.
1. A computer addict is a person who ___.
a) writes computer programmes b) spends most of his time at a computer
c) can add well
2. The most important things for computer gamers are those which happen ___.
a) in their virtual world b) at their home c) with their football-team mates
Text 6. What Is Lava?
Lava is the molten or melted rock that is forced from volcanoes and cracks within the Earth’s surface, as well as what is left behind once it cools and hardens. Cooled lava has formed many mountains and island chains, and much of it eventually becomes lush and productive soil. Lava is made up of mostly silicon dioxide, and geologists believe magma (the term used to describe the molten rock deep within the Earth) is created under extreme pressure and temperatures at great depths below the Earth’s crust. When a volcano erupts, molten rock is forced up through the Earth’s crust and expelled out as lava, which can reach temperatures as high as 2, 000 degrees Fahrenheit (1, 200 degrees Celsius).
Speech Patterns
as well as …а також
He studies physics as well as other natural sciences. Він вивчає фізику, а також інші природничі науки. 
as high as …висотою аж до
This tree is as high as a five-storey building. Це дерево висотою аж з п’ятиповерховий будинок. 
Choose one of the options.
1. Cooled lava formed many ___.
a) cities b) islands c) continents
2. Molten rock deep below the Earth’s crust is called ___.
a) enigma b) sigma c) magma
3. Volcanic explosion is called ___.
a) corruption b) eruption c) extrusion
Text 7. What do we know about the surface of Mars?
Ever since the first successful flyby over Mars in 1964, scientists have been striving to gather more and more information about our rusty-red planetary neighbor. What we know already, based on soil and rock samples, as well as our observation of the planet, is that Mars is dusty, dry and cold. Its surface is heavily dotted with deep craters in some areas, while other areas have volcanic mountains even higher than Earth’s highest volcano. Mars also has low-lying plains where scientists have discovered evidence of wind streaks, dunes and basins that resemble riverbeds. There are canyons on Mars, far deeper than our canyons on Earth, as well as polar regions – icy caps made up mostly of frozen carbon dioxide. Evidence suggests that liquid water once flowed over the surface of Mars. But as far as we know today, Mars remains a dry, rocky planet pummeled by dust storms and
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