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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 

are often used in everyday speech without much difference. However, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same. The Internet is a global data communications system. It is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides connectivity between computers. In contrast, the Web is one of the services communicated via the Internet. It is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs.

Speech Patterns
either... or або... абоYou may choose to study either English or French.
Ви можете вибрати, що вивчати – або англійську, або французьку. 
neither... norні... ніNeither wind nor low temperature could stop the travellers.
Ані вітер, ані низька температура не могли зупинити мандрівників. 
І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false.
1. The Internet is a global system of computer networks connected by a wide range of electronic and optical networking technologies. 2. TV programs have been transformed into Web sites, blogging, and web feeds. 3. The Internet was created as forceful computer networks in the 1960s in the USA for military purposes. 4. The terms Internet and World Wide Web are one and the same.
ІІ. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the Internet? 2. What traditional communication media give rise to services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and IPTV? 3. What new forms of human communications were created in the Internet? 4. When was the Internet created?
Text 13. DNA Stretching Mystery is Solved
Active Vocabulary: 
to unravelрозплутуватиbeadкулька, бульбашка
mysteryтаємницяto pull apartрозривати
to stretchнатягуватисяtweezingрозщеплення
breaking pointмежа міцностіzipperзмійка
to carry outвиконуватиtensionнапруга
to attachприєднуватиstrandланцюжок молекул
Researchers in Europe have unravelled a mystery that has been puzzling scientists for years: what happens to a molecule of DNA when it is stretched to its breaking point.
Now Erwin Peterman and his colleagues appear to have answered the question. The researchers carried out a DNA-stretching experiment by attaching one end of each strand of a length of double-stranded DNA to a polystyrene bead. The beads could be pulled apart with a controlled and measurable force by lasers – a process called optical tweezing.
“Pulling the DNA from both ends is a bit like pulling on a jacket that has a double-ended zipper, ” says Peterman. “What we found was that at the transition force the zipper starts to come apart at either end, but remains zipped in the middle. In other words, the DNA comes apart at either end, and under tension this single-stranded DNA is 70 percent longer than double-stranded DNA. ”
It is a great work. It tells us about the way the structure of a single molecule is changing under tension, something we have not been able to see before. It looks as though they have solved the question, but as always it is very complicated. So this might not be the end of the story.
Speech Patterns
Heappearedto have forgotten my address. Виявилось, що він забув мою адресу. 
seemsЗдається, він забув мою адресу. 
І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false.
1. The researchers have been stretching strands of DNA for ages. 2. The scientists have divided strands of DNA into two different parts. 3. A single-stranded DNA is as long as a double-stranded one. 4. The structure of a single molecule can be changed under pressure.
ІІ. Answer the following questions.
1. Who carried out a DNA-stretching experiment? 2. What was the DNA-stretching experiment? 3. What happened to a molecule of DNA when it was stretched to its breaking point? 4. Is this experiment useful? Why?
Text 14. Status of Genetically Modified Products
Active Vocabulary: 
advanceрух упередraw materialсировина
to emergeз’являтисяconsumerспоживач
crop breedingвирощування зернаdetrimentalнищівний
benefitприбуток, перевагаaffordableдоступний
enhanced crop yieldпідвищений врожай зернаcurrentсучасний
nutritiousпоживнийto assistсприяти, допомагати
efficiencyефективністьto reduceзменшувати
The development of modern biotechnology is really a ground-breaking advance because of its enormous power to transform living things. New techniques such as tissue culture, cell culture and embryo transfer, as well as various techniques of molecular manipulation, have emerged. Transgenic technologies such as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are now being widely used in crop breeding and commercial production.
There are a number of actual or potential benefits from GM crops. These include:
Enhanced crop yield and productivity;
More nutritious and higher quality products;
Less need for pesticides and herbicides;
Greater efficiency in resource management;
Role as a bioreactor to produce raw materials for pharmaceuticals and other industries.
For critics, there are four main objections:
Consumers do not have enough information about GMOs.
There may be potential detrimental effects
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