Тип роботи:
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок:
from eating GM foods, while there have not yet been objective studies to identify such effects, if they exist.
There may be unexpected environmental problems.
Using of GM crops may go against certain religious beliefs and traditions.
So, rapid introduction of GM products into the market is really amazing. Many of the key technologies are in the hands of the private sector, and dominated by a few companies. The use of transgenic modification could have benefits for developing countries only, due to an affordable cost.
So, there are some more problems of using these products.
Many developing countries can not afford the cost of biotechnology.
The crop genetic improvements that are currently available are not suitable for developing countries.
The question is who will assist developing countries, and what type of assistance is appropriate.
Population growth and food distribution will most likely remain the two most critical problems which mankind must face for many years to come. Biotechnology offers the potential to reduce uncertainty in the world’s future food supply, in the face of a growing population and the limited carrying capacity of the Earth.
Speech Patterns
The years to comeНаступні роки
The words to rememberСлова, що треба запам’ятати
The things to doВсе, що треба зробити
You have to hurry to catch the train. Ви повинні поквапитись, щоб встигнути на потяг.
To drive a car you must get a license. Для того, щоб водити автомобіль, потрібно отримати права.
І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false.
1. Transgenic technologies have been known since ancient times. 2. Genetically modified food is very useful for our body. 3. GMOs may cause plenty of environmental problems. 4. A developing country should have a fortune of money to afford the cost of biotechnology.
ІІ. Answer the following questions.
1. What new techniques in modern biotechnology do you know? 2. What are pros and cons of GM crops? 3. What is the situation with GM products on the market? 4. How can you solve the problem of food supply for all the mankind?
Text 15. The Big Future of Nanotechnology
Active Vocabulary:
to dealдіятиtoolінструмент
realmсфера, галузьfuel cellпаливний елеметн
invisibleневидимий, непомітнийcell1) клітина; 2) елемент; 3) секція; відсік; 4) сота
by accountза оцінкоюwithout controversyбезсумнівно, безперечно
scratch-resistantстійкий до подразненьto punchпробивати отвір
Nanotechnology deals in the realm of the nearly invisible. The word comes from the Greek nanos, meaning “dwarf”. But by most accounts, the tech-nology’s potential is anything but small. Scientists and engineers can now physically work with materials at the atomic level to create stain-proof fabrics, scratch-resistant paints and longer-lasting tennis balls. And researchers say new medical diagnostic tools and smaller, more efficient fuel cells and batteries based on nanoscience are on the way.
From computer chips invisible to the naked eye to microscopic machines that seek out and destroy cancers inside the human body, a lot of scientists argue that the potential of nanotechnology could be endless, but not without controversy.
“If we can get a nanoparticle into a cell, that might prove to be a new and useful drug delivery device, ” says Ms. Kulinowski, Executive Director of the Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology at Rice University. “On the other hand, it might prove to be a toxin to the cell either by punching a hole in the cell membrane or otherwise disrupting the cell’s function”.
Whether the benefits of nanotechnology outweigh the risks will determine the future of what many researchers hope will be the world’s next industrial revolution.
Speech Patterns
Heis anything butlazy. Він далеко не ледащий.
Itpleasant. Це зовсім не приємно.
On the one handЗ одного боку
On the other handЗ іншого боку
І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false.
1. Nanoparticles are very big. 2. Nanotechnology has a great potential. 3. There is no need to use nanotechnology in medicine. 4. Nanotechnology is a step to the industrial revolution.
ІІ. Answer the following questions.
1. What does the word nanos mean? 2. At what spheres of industry can you use nanotechnology? 3. Why is nanotechnology useful? 4. How do nanoparticles influence the cells?
Text 16. The Greenhouse Effect
Active Vocabulary:
greenhouseтеплицяwave-lengthдовжина хвилі
to trapпоглинати, вбиратиto impactмати сильний вплив
to radiateвипромінюватиsurfaceповерхня
to spreadпоширюватиto blanketзаглушати
global warmingглобальне потеплінняto escapeвиходити
transparentпрозорий, відкритийspaceкосмос, простір
to incomeнадходитиlevelрівень
to convertтрансформувати, перетворюватиaverageсередній
The light from the sun comes in, and the greenhouse gases trap some of the heat radiated from the Earth. It’s an energy balance. The more heat that comes in or