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Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

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All cell phones emit some amount of electromagnetic radiation. Given the close proximity of the phone to the head, it is possible for the radiation to cause some sort of harm to the 118 million cell-phone users in the United States. What is being debated in the scientific and political arenas is just how much radiation is considered unsafe, and if there are any potential long-term effects of cell-phone radiation exposure.
There are two types of electromagnetic radiation:
Ionizing radiation. This type of radiation contains enough electro-magnetic energy to strip atoms and molecules from the tissue and alter chemical reactions in the body. Gamma rays and X-rays are two forms of ionizing radiation. We know they cause damage, which is why we wear a lead vest when X-rays are taken of our bodies.
Non-ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation is typically safe. It causes some heating effect, but usually not enough to cause any type of long-term damage to tissue. Radio-frequency energy, visible light and microwave radiation are considered non-ionizing.
On its Web site, the FDA states that “the available scientific evidence does not demonstrate any adverse health effects associated with the use of mobile phones. ” However, that doesn’t mean that the potential for harm doesn’t exist. Radiation can damage human tissue if it is exposed to high levels of RF radiation, according to the FCC. RF radiation has the ability to heat human tissue, much like the way microwave ovens heat food. Damage to tissue can be caused by exposure to RF radiation because the body is not equipped to dissipate excessive amounts of heat. The eyes are particularly vulnerable due to the lack of blood flow in that area.
The added concern with non-ionizing radiation, the type of radiation associated with cell phones, is that it could have long-term effects. Although it may not immediately cause damage to tissue, scientists are still unsure about whether prolonged exposure could create problems. This is an especially sensitive issue today, because more people are using cell phones than ever before. In 1994, there were 16 million cell-phone users in the United States alone. As of July 17, 2001, there were more than 118 million.
Here are a few illnesses and ailments that have potential links to cell-phone radiation: cancer, brain tumors, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, fatigue, headaches.
If you are worried about the potential hazards of cell-phone radiation, here are a few ways to reduce your risk:
Use a hands-free headset.
Use a phone that places the antenna as far away from you as possible.
Extend the antenna during use.
Limit calls inside buildings.
Limit use by children.
Speech Patterns
It is importantfor himto know these lawsЙому важливо знати ці закони. 
It is necessaryto revise this rule. Йому необхідно повторити це правило. 
It is essentialto be in time for the exam. Головне, щоб він не запізнився на екзамен. 
І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false.
1. Cell phones emit big amount of electromagnetic radiation. 2. Radio-frequency radiation has the ability to destroy human tissue. 3. Scientists still discuss the possible harm of cell phones effect. 4. Children may use cell phones without any restriction.
ІІ. Answer the following questions.
1. How many cell phone users were there in the USA in 2001? 2. What illnesses may be caused by excessive use of cell phones? 3. What are the forms of ionizing radiation? 4. What organ is particularly vulnerable to the effect of heat?
Text 12. The Internet
Active Vocabulary: 
interconnectedз’єднанийto enableробити можливим
to reshapeнадавати нової формиforumзасідання, конференція
Web siteвузол мережіaccessдоступ
щоденник у мережіdataдані
softwareпрограмне забезпеченняhardwareдеталі комп’ютера
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks linked by a broad range of electronic and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a lot of information resources and services, especially the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.
Most traditional communications media, such as telephone and television services, are reshaped using the technologies of the Internet, giving rise to services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and IPTV. Newspaper publishing has been reshaped into Web sites, blogging, and web feeds. The Internet has enabled the creation of new forms of human communications through instant messaging, Internet forums, and social networking sites.
The Internet was created in the 1960s when the USA funded research projects of its military agencies decided to build forceful computer networks. Now the Internet has no centralized governance in either technological realization or policies for access and usage.
The terms Internet and World Wide Web
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