Тип роботи:
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок:
and represents the particular computer that receives and delivers the message.
E-mail message usually comes in two parts: the heading and the body. The heading includes: the date, the writer's name, the addressee's name, who is to receive a copy (c. c.), if any, and the subject. The body of the message bears an ordinary content of a letter but a bit shorter.
The golden rule for writing e-mail messages is KISS (keep it short and simple). Use short phrases instead of long, active voice instead of passive avoid foreign words, metaphors, and scientific terms.
There's no bold in e-mall, so use capitals or asterisks. Among the abbreviations used in e-mail there are: BTW – by the way; IMHO – in my humble opinion; CONT – container; SHPT – shipment; RQST – request; BUZ – business; ESS – message.
A memo or memorandum (which came from the Latin “memorare” – to remember) is a written inner document which is produced by senior or middle management in order to inform the staff about the company’s policy or procedures, to give instructions, to make announcements or to summarize the data of the latestmeeting or negotiations. A memo may be displayed on a notice board or sent to the employees according to the distribution list.
A typical memo has the following layout: the title, the date, to whom it is produced, from whom it is issued, the subject, the body (usually with numbered paragraphs), the signature, name, and position of the writer.
Sample of a Memo
To: all the staff Date: 22/10/2004
From: Personnel Manager
Subject: Business English classes
Since November 1 free English classes will be held for all personnel in the Training Center (room #3) twice a week – on Mondays and Thursdays. All teaching materials will be provided; the size of each class will be limited to 12 trainees.
The deadline of applications is 6p. m. 30/10/2004. Applicants will be tested for the level of proficiency in English to form 2 groups of pre-intermediate and intermediate levels.
Ann McCline
Task 1. Use the following data to compose your own memo:
- To: Department Managers; from: Managing Director; subject: reducing costs of production.
- To: all employees; from: Director; subject: recognaziation of the company.
- To: all staff; from: trade-union representative; subject: the annual meeting.
- To: all shareholders; from: the President; subject: general annual meeting.
Task 2. Complete the letter choosing from the words listed below:
travel agents, previous correspondence, system, responsibility, index, personal assistant, travel arrangements, directory enquiries, circulation, references, job, international telephone operator.
Dear Susan,
Well, I’ve been working for a week, and I must say I’m still bewildered. I hope it all sorts itself out.
Mr Sutherland is going away on a business trip – isn’t it exciting? He’s going to Spain, Portugal and Italy.
The first thing I had to do was to make his (1) _______ so I had to talk to the (2) _______ the Company uses and get them to book all the trains, planes and hotels, and I also had to organise his car hire, make the appointments and fix up his meetings. I’ve used the telephone a lot. The (3) ______ has got quite used to my voice, and the lady who deals with (4) ______ must be quite tired of me! I also had to look up the (5) ______ he’s had with the people he’ll be seeing, and sort out the letters he’ll need to take with him.
We organised the (6) ______ list for memos. (He’ll be sending tapes back to me.) While he’s away, I’ve promised to reorganise his filing (7) ______ and make up an (8) ______ to the files, so that he can find things quickly. I’ve also got to learn which (9) ______ books to use when I need to find something! By the time I've done all this, I’ll be really pleased with my (10) ______! I’m really going to be a real secretary, not just a shorthand typist; in fact I’m nearly a (11) ______ – P. A. for short – as I do take complete (12) ______ for some areas of the work.
See you soon!
Task 3. Listen to the stories of two people, who lost their jobs, prepare memoes on them for the personnel manager of your company.
Text 1
What is the purpose of a business? Is it just to make as much profit as possible for its shareholders? Or does a business have a wider responsibility to help solve society’s problems? This is the controversial topic we shall now examine.
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