Портал освітньо-інформаційних послуг «Студентська консультація»

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 (093) 202-63-01



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Курс ділової англійської мови

Тип роботи: 
Навчальний посібник
К-сть сторінок: 


  1. I am, today, sending you some of our brochures, in a separate package. With these, I have included details of our new pocket portable telephone, which you may be interested in.
  2. Further to our telephone discussion on Thursday, I am delighted to tell you that we are now able to reduce the price of our computers by 10%.
  3. Unfortunately, we have not received the filing cabinets which were a part of the order. We would be grateful if you could deliver these as soon as possible or refund our money.
  4. We would like to book 25 places on Sun Express Holiday No. 5210, depart 14th July.
  5. Payment on the above order is now overdue. We would be grateful if you could send us your check without delay.
  6. Our company is considering leasing 12 automobiles rather than buying them outright. Because it is important for us to present a favorable (and prosperous) image to our clients, we are interested in luxury cars only.
Task 3. State where the following word-combinations are used: at the beginning of a letter (B), end (E) or both (BE).
a) feel free to contacti) this is to inform you
b) please don't hesitatej) as you may recall
c) in response tok) as soon as possible
d) once again1) in accordance with
e) get in touchm) further to
f) at your earliest conveniencen) thank you for
g) effective June 15o) would be appreciated
h) may be able to help youp) I enclose
Task 4. Choosing from the words in the box, label the parts of the letter. The first has been done for you:
date; main paragraph; letterhead; references; salutation; introductory paragraph; concluding paragraph; recipient’s address; (sender’s) address; (typed) signature; complimentary ending; enclosures (abbreviation) ; position/title; signature.
2) 6 Pine Estate, Westhornet, Bedfordshire, UB1822BC
Telephone 9017 23456 Telex X238 WID Fax 9017 67893
3) Michael Scott, Sales Manager, Smith and Brown plc,
Napler House, North Molton Street, Renton, Oxbridge OB84 9TD.
4) Your ref. MS/WID/15/88
Our ref. ST/MN/10/88
5) 31 January 20…
6) Dear Mr Scott,
7) Thank you for your letter of 20 January, explaining that the super widgets, catalogue reference X-3908, are no longer available but that ST-1432, made to the same specifications but using a slightly different alloy, are now available instead. Before I place a firm order I should like to see samples of the new super widgets. If the replacement is as good as you say it is, I shall certainly wish to reinstate the original order, but placing an order for the new items.
8) Apart from anything else, I should prefer to continue to deal with Smith and Brown, whose service has always been satisfactory in the past. But you will understand that I must safeguard Widgetry's interests and make sure that the quality is good.
9) I would, therefore, be grateful if you could let me have a sample as soon as possible.
10) Yours sincerely,
12) Simon Thomas
13) Production Manager
14) Enc.
The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in the United Slates in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them. This technology is called packet swithing. Owing to this technology, if some computers on the network are knocked out (by a nuclear explosion, for example), information will just route around them. One such packet-swithing network already survived a war. It was the Iraqi computer network which was not knocked out during the Gulf War.
Most of the internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United Slates, while the rest are located in more than 100 olher countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly' accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet, there are millions, and their number is growing by thousands each month worldwide.
The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people, who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However, other popular services are avail- able on the (Internet: reading USENET News, using the World-Wide Web, telnet, FTP, and Gopher.
In many developing countries the Internet may provide businessmen with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunications systems of these countries. Commercial users
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