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the sentences and fill in the words with the letters in the correct order.
sols raeled, rutrnoev, icysretu, aihnc, nidedmaml, utsciond, hsovadeer, wrlahesole, kocts tnloelcr, hacs dna cryra.
- A l... l... is something sold very cheaply to encourage customers to come into a shop; once they are in, they may buy other things at profitable prices.
- The amount of money taken (without any deductions) or the amount of goods sold is the t....
- Deciding how many items should be ordered, and when, is a matter of s… c….
- A number of shops belonging to one company is a c....
- Shops possess safes for s....
- A retailer buys his goods at a d... and sells them at a retail price to produce a profit.
- A retailer buys his stock from a w....
- The costs of running a retail operation caused by lighting, heating, rent, wages, etc., are its o....
- The retailer is the m... between the manufacturer or wholesaler and the customer.
- The everyday name for a warehouse from which a retailer collects the goods himself or herself is a c... a... c....
Task 3. Watch BBC BusinessCourse, unit Money, discuss it, and make up your own dialogues.
Stores. Conventional stores are often more or less specialized in selling some specific kind of merchandise, for instance, all types of sportswear, play things for children, special kinds of foodstuffs, etc. All the luxury stores – the famous Tiffany (jewelry), Versacci (high fashion clothing), etc. or ordinary specialized stores – a variety of antique and collectible stores, as well as book stores or stores selling videos, CD's, cassettes, CD-ROM's, and accessories for computers. All of them are trading in goods destined only for some strata of the population (interested in such specific merchandise), but not for the general public. Even some food stores can be included into such category – such as specialty stores selling mainly national food or strong drinks.
Supermarkets sell food and basic everyday necessities. A supermarket is a large self-service store selling a great variety of food and household goods displayed on open shelves. A customer having easy access to all the shelves chooses himself the articles to be bought and pays for them at one of the checkouts at the exit. A customer takes a cart (Am.) or a trolley (Br.) on entering the supermarket which is the generally accepted code of “supermarket behaviour”. All the articles in self-service stores have special tags that activate the alarm sound if a customer attempts to leave the premises without paying. In most foreign supermarkets a conveyor belt starts about four or five metres from the check-out. A customer is supposed to put all his purchases out of the cart onto the belt. When the section of the belt with a customer's purchases approaches the cashier, she first enters the price of every article into the till, then packs the articles into plastic or paper bags and puts filled bags into the cart. Upon that a customer is expected to pay.
Malls are quite specific shopping centres where all kinds of manufactured consumer goods can be bought such as clothes, shoes, underwear, leather goods, kitchen utensils, cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, cameras, cassette recorders, CD’s etc. A mall is a collection of dozens of stores in one place, a kind of a trading city. The stores are relatively autonomous and may belong to different manufacturers, firms or trading companies. It is not only a place of trade but a place of entertainment as well. There are a lot of restaurants, bars, cafes, kiosks, stands and a lot of places to eat and to relax, such as performances, pop singers, comedians, and so on. The original meaning of the word “mall” is public walk. Malls are multi-storeyed structures with elevators and escalators leading from floor to floor and open galleries surrounding each of the upper floors. They are as a rule very beautifully decorated inside – with fountains and trees, different forms of applied arts. Though the greater part of all the malls are luxurious multi-storeyed buildings, one can meet more modest ones. They are usually constructed as a very long one-storeyed building in a form of rectangular with a roofed gallery and the open space in the centre of it.
Marts are small stores selling a variety of goods. They are self-service stores where a customer can buy food and drinks and all kinds of trifles (e. g., films for cameras, magazines and papers to read, sunglasses, etc.) Arts and crafts marts are engaged in selling objects of arts and folk crafts too.
Wal-Marts, the full name is Wal-Mart Discount City, the first of them was opened in 1962 in Arkansas by Sam Walton. A Wal-Mart has everything a mall has