variety of products in a wide variety of stores. However, as a consumer you also have certain responsibilities. Reading labels, returning goods of poor quality, keeping records of your purchases, and paying bills promptly are among them. By accepting these responsibilities, you will be more pleased with what you buy.
- Do you take your time about buying?
- Do you shop at sales?
- Do you avoid impulse buying?
- Do you look carefully at what you buy?
- Do you study labels?
- Do you compare prices and services?
If you have put “yes” at five points except the 2nd, you proved to be a skilled buyer.
To place an order for some goods it is necessary to fill in an order form stating the quantity of articles with their description, price, terms of payment, date of delivery, discounts, etc.
When it is necessary to make certain points quite clear a cover letter is prepared to accompany the order form.
The Seller or Supplier sends an order acknowledgement or confirmation in case he can fulfil it or a refusal if he cannot.
Sample of a Letter of Order
164 Victoria St., Newbay, Ches., J23 4FG England
Tel. (143) -564-412 Fax (143) -564-414
Men’s Clothes Dealers Ltd.
142 South Road Sheffield S20 4HL England
Yor ref. BV4397
Our ref. DFS3297
21st March, 2007
Dear Sirs,
Our Order for Silk Shirts
In response to your letter of 17th March, we thank you for sending us your catalogues of men's silk shirts. We are sure there will be a great demand for them in Ukraine.
We are enclosing our Order No. 144, and would ask you to return its duplicate to us, duly signed and sealed, as an acknowledgement.
Yours faithfully,
Vladimir Smarton
Export-Import Manager
Enc. Order No. 144
ORDER №144
(please refer to this number on all correspondence)
Men’s Clothes Dealers Ltd.
142 South Road Sheffield S20 4HL England
21th March, 1997
Please supply 400 men's silk shirts in the colours and sizes (collar) specified below:
Size Colour Quantity
14 white 70
14 blue 30
15 white 70
15 blue 30
16 white 70
16 blue 30
17 white 70
17 blue 30
Price: $10. 53 each (total – $4212)
Delivery; air freight, CIF Kiev
Payment: by letter of credit
Packing: standard
Alex Wincot
Purchase Manager
Wisteria Ltd.
Please send us the copy of this order, duly signed and sealed, as an acknowledgement.
Task 1. Write your own letter of order for 200 men’s suits, 60. 7 pounds of sterling apiece, in black, grey and blue colours, payed for by a letter of credit, and delivered CIF Odessa. Use the word-expressions below:
In reply (response) to your letter (fax) of (dated) …
We enclose (are enclosing) our order for …
We accept your offer and have pleasure in placing an order with you for …
Please confirm that you can supply …
Please send the copy of this order to us, duly signed, as an acknowledgement.
Please supply/send us…
Task 2. Choose from the words below to complete the sentences.
net, market, loss, cash-flow, capital, sales, overheads, expenditure, gross, profit.
- The forecast which predicts how much money will be gained by a business is called the... forecast.
- The forecast which predicts how much money will be lost by a business is called the... forecast.
- The forecast which predicts how much money will be received or spent by a business is the... forecast.
- The forecast which predicts where most sales will be made, and what their value will be, is the... forecast
- The forecast which predicts how much the company will sell is the... forecast.
- The forecast which predicts how much money will be spent by the company is the forecast of...
- The Forecast which predicts how much money is needed to start up a business or to increase its wealth is the... forecast.
- The forecast which predicts how much money the company will earn before tax is paid is the... profit forecast
- The forecast which predicts how much money the company will earn after tax is paid is the... profit forecast.
- The forecast which predicts how much money the company will have to spend on salaries, heating and lighting, rent, etc., is the forecast of...
Task 3. Watch BBC Business Course, unit Negotiating Prices; make up your own dialogues.
Text 1.
SMALL BUSINESS in the USA: an S-corporation is not always best.
It is generally believed that small companies should incorporate as S-corporations.